What happens after default judgment?

What happens after default judgment?

What happens once default judgment is given? Once a default judgment is obtained, a party can commence enforcement action against you – this can include the sheriff seizing your personal property, bankruptcy or obtaining an order to sell your house.

How long is a default judgment valid for?

five to seven years

Can a civil Judgement garnish wages?

Generally, any creditor can garnish your wages. Specifically, most must file a lawsuit and obtain a money judgment and court order before garnishing your wages. However, not all creditors need a court order. It depends on the type of debt.

What personal property can be seized in a Judgement in Michigan?

And some states also allow judgment liens on the debtor’s personal property — things like jewelry, art, antiques, and other valuables. In Michigan, a judgment lien can be attached to either real estate or personal property.

How many times can a Judgement be renewed in Michigan?

A judgment in Michigan has to be renewed every five years and will not be collectible if not renewed within the five year period. It is also important to remember that the statue stops running during a time payments are made.

How long can creditors pursue a debt in Michigan?

six years

How long does a Judgement last in Michigan?

A judgment from a Small Claims case expires six years after it is issued. Most other judgments in Michigan expire 10 years after they are issued. You can renew a judgment before it expires by filing a motion to renew a judgment.

What is Michigan statute of limitations on debt?

Michigan has a statute of limitations of six years, which applies to all types of debts. This means that if a debt is more than six years overdue or hasn’t been paid in more than six years, creditors cannot take legal action.