What is a return of service summons?

What is a return of service summons?

Return of service is a written acknowledgment by a process server stating that there was service of legal documents, such as a summons and complaint. After service , the original document, along with the “return of service” proving the same were served, is filed with the court to show that each party was served.

What happens if you can’t pay a court settlement?

If you don’t pay what you owe right away, you will have to pay more. The creditor will get post-judgment interest on any part of the debt not paid back right away. If you don’t pay the creditor, they can take steps to collect the money from you. This is called enforcing the judgment.

How long does a small claims case stay on your record?

The plaintiff will get a judgment for the amount of money they asked for in the complaint. You can get a copy of the judgment from the court. The judgment will remain for 20 years. Your credit report will show you owe this money for the next 7 years.

How long does a small claims Judgement stay on record?

seven years

Do small claims show up on background checks?

Small claims are minor civil suits , and those are seldom checked for most backgrounds. It would be up to the particular rules of the license board, but I’d doubt it.