What is Malicious Mother Syndrome UK?

What is Malicious Mother Syndrome UK?

Divorce and custody lawsuits bring out the worst in parents. In malicious parent syndrome one parent attempts to punish the other parent and can even go to far measures to harm or deprive their children from the other parent by placing the other parent in a bad light.

Do judges go against cafcass?

The Officer will normally only attend court if directed to do so by the Judge. If there are aspects of the report which you disagree with, you should consider asking the Judge to direct that the CAFCASS Officer attend court so they may be questioned on their written evidence (the Section 7 Report).

What cafcass look for?

The Children & Family Court Advisory and Support Service (CAFCASS) look after the interests of the child in children involved in family proceedings. They work with the child and parents and have to inform the Courts as to what action that they believe is in the best interests of the child.

Do cafcass look at medical records?

[DN Name of the Organisation] The Access to Health Records Act 1990 and the Access to Medical Reports Act 1988 gave individuals the right of access, subject to certain exceptions, to health information recorded about themselves, and, in certain circumstances, about others, within manual records.

What is a Section 7 report?

A Section 7 Report is a report written by an Independent Social Worker in cases where an application has been made to the Court in accordance with The Children Act 1989 section 8. An Independent Social Worker provides an independent evaluation and assessment of a situation and reports the findings to the Court.

What are section 7 expenses?

Section 7 expenses are support amounts payable for a child in addition to the base child support that is payable. Section 7 expenses are ordered by the court. They can include childcare expenses; medical, dental and other health-related expenses; and health insurance premiums.

Why is a section 7 report needed?

Why is a Cafcass section 7 report needed in child proceedings? A section 7 report is usually required when the court has requested for this to be commissioned either by Cafcass or the social services to assist them in reaching a decision on a child proceedings case concerning the welfare of a child.