Where can I get a birth certificate in Flint Michigan?

Where can I get a birth certificate in Flint Michigan?

Order By Mail Our mailing address is Genesee County Clerk’s Office, Attn: Vital Records, 900 South Saginaw Street, Flint, MI, 48502. Although processing time varies, most customers can expect to receive their vital record no more than 14 days from the date they mail their order.

What do the letters in a docket number mean?

The letter code is then followed by the current year and the number of the case for that year. For example the 2nd rate case for FY2009 would be Docket R2009-2. For example, the Docket for the 3rd Rulemaking case of FY2010 would be RM2010-3.

What does MJ mean in court cases?

MJ stands for a case being heard by a magistrate judge. Magistrates do a lot of the low-level routine stuff in the federal court system, like search/arrest warrants (if he’s being held on an arrest warrant, the warrant was probably issued by a magistrate).

What does it mean to be on the docket?

US. 1 : on a list of legal cases to be heard by a court The judge had to postpone some of the cases on the docket. 2 : on a list of things to be considered (by a group of people, such as a committee) The new library will be the first item on the committee’s docket.

What do the letters in a court case number mean Arizona?

Case types assigned by the Court include Civil (“cv”), Criminal (“cr”) and Miscellaneous (“mc”). The number 17 represents the year the case was filed. The number 00010 is the number of the case. The first case filed in a particular year for each division is “1,” and so on.

What does CR mean in a case number?

criminal case

What does style and cause number mean?

Style-of-cause definitions Filters. (law) The case title for a cause of action/lawsuit; a description of the parties involved. Johnson v. Smith. noun.