Which country has the lowest divorce rate?

Which country has the lowest divorce rate?


What country has the highest divorce rate 2020?


What’s the largest race in the world?

The world’s largest ethnic group is Han Chinese, with Mandarin being the world’s most spoken language in terms of native speakers. The world’s population is predominantly urban and suburban, and there has been significant migration toward cities and urban centres.

What is the most successful race?

Asians are the highest-earning racial and ethnic group in the U.S., on average. However, their overall prosperity conceals a wide and rapidly growing economic divide between higher- and lower-income Asians.

What race is the poorest in the United States?

As of 2010 about half of those living in poverty are non-Hispanic white (19.6 million). Non-Hispanic white children comprised 57% of all poor rural children. In FY 2009, African American families comprised 33.3% of TANF families, non-Hispanic white families comprised 31.2%, and 28.8% were Hispanic.

How many human races are there in the world?


What is the largest ethnic group in the United States?

As of July 2016, White Americans are the racial majority. Hispanic and Latino Americans are the largest ethnic minority, comprising an estimated 18% of the population. African Americans are the second largest racial minority, comprising an estimated 13.4% of the population.

What are the 5 races in the world?

The revised standards contain five minimum categories for race: American Indian or Alaska Native, Asian, Black or African American, Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander, and White.

What state has the highest percentage of black population?


What is the most German state in the US?


Where do most German immigrants come from?

The majority of immigrants in Germany are from Eastern Europe, Southern Europe and the Middle East. The German Government has been keen to encourage immigration over the past 50 years, to address the low birth rate in the country.

What city is famous as the most German city in North America?


How much of the US is German?

approximately 17%

Why do they speak English in USA?

The use of English in the United States is a result of British colonization of the Americas. The first wave of English-speaking settlers arrived in North America during the 17th century, followed by further migrations in the 18th and 19th centuries.

What problems did German immigrants face in America?

German-language books were burned, and Americans who spoke German were threatened with violence or boycotts. German-language classes, until then a common part of the public-school curriculum, were discontinued and, in many areas, outlawed entirely.

What is the official language of the United States government?

Although the United States does not have an official language, the most commonly used language is English (specifically, American English), which is the de facto national language, and the only one spoken by approximately 78% of the population.

Which states have English only laws?

Current law

Place English official Note
Alabama Yes since 1990
Alaska Yes
Arizona Yes since 2006, 1988 law ruled unconstitutional
Arkansas Yes since 1987

Which states have an official language?

Template:Official languages of U.S. states and territories

Place English official Other official language(s)
Arizona Yes None
Arkansas Yes None
California Yes None
Colorado Yes None