What happens at a settlement mediation?

What happens at a settlement mediation?

Mediation is when a neutral third party called a mediator works with each party in a lawsuit to reach a compromise before going to trial. The mediator helps the parties to reach a compromise. The mediator points out issues in the case or areas of weakness and benefits of settling.

How long should mediation last?

2-3 hours

What happens during mediation in a civil case?

Mediation is a cooperative problem-solving process in which a neutral professional guides the parties in clearly identifying the issues in dispute and coming to agreements that are in the best interests of all parties. The mediator will not make a final decision in the case.

What is the success rate of mediation?

around 85 percent

Is mediation a good thing?

Mediation is a great way to solve traditional legal disputes and can be a much cheaper, quicker and more pleasant process than litigation. Not too many people are very familiar with mediation, however, and most people have questions about whether the process is right for them.