Are you married answers?

Are you married answers?

If you feel that it is merely a friendly question, then it is acceptable to give an answer as to whether or not you are married. There should be no repercussions as long as you give them an honest and polite answer.

How do you respond to a boyfriend?

Examples of How to Overcome the “I Have a Boyfriend” Excuse

  1. “Oh no, that’s a tragedy.”
  2. “Wow, I’m so sad to hear that.”
  3. “Man, just when I’d found you.”
  4. “Well thank god you’re not married or I’d really be in trouble.”
  5. “How can that be?
  6. “I’m crushed.”
  7. “Oh no, you’re crushing my dreams.”

Will you be my girlfriend response?

I think the answer is plain and simple. If you like to be his girlfriend, say “yes”. If you say “yes”, you’re his girl – exclusively. If you say “no”, there’s no easy way around it because, like it or not, I can imagine that he’ll be pretty disappointed and sad, hurt even.

How long do guys wait to ask you to be their girlfriend?

two months

How should I ask someone to be my girlfriend?

Wording Suggestions

  1. “Will you be my girlfriend?”
  2. “You’re the only girl I want.
  3. “I like you very much, and I’d like you to be my girlfriend.
  4. “I know you, and I would make a great couple.
  5. “You will make me the happiest person in the world if you say yes to being my girlfriend.

How do you tell a girl u like her?

Take a deep breath and tell her how you feel.

  1. “I like you.”
  2. “I just wanted you to know that I like you.”
  3. “Maria, I can’t keep pretending that I don’t have feelings for you. You’re too amazing not to have feelings for.”
  4. “I love having you as my friend. But I’d like to make us more than friends.” X Research source

How do you kiss a girl without asking her?

  1. How to Get a Girl to Kiss You Without Asking.
  2. Let the Environment Get Her in the Mood.
  3. Look Deep Into Her Eyes.
  4. Check Out Her Soft Red Lips.
  5. Invite Her to Come Closer.
  6. Use the Tickling Lean In Technique.
  7. Give Her a Relaxing Back Massage.
  8. Touch Her and See What Happens.