Can I travel with my minor brother?

Can I travel with my minor brother?

U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) strongly recommends that unless the child is accompanied by both parents, the adult have a note from the child’s other parent (or, in the case of a child traveling with grandparents, uncles or aunts, sisters or brothers, friends, or in groups*, a note signed by both parents) …

Where can 16 year olds go on holiday alone?

Top 5 Destinations for Under 18’s Travelling Alone

  • #1: Menorca. Every year, countless young people flock the great island of Menorca.
  • #2: Ireland. Ireland is another perfect destination for first-time teenage holidaymakers.
  • #3: French Alps Activity Holidays by Active Clubs.
  • #4: Canvas Holidays.
  • #5: Costa Navarino, Greece.

What states allow 16 year olds to get tattoos?

Legal status of tattooing in the United States

State Minimum Age (with parent/guardian consent) Intoxicated/Impaired Individuals
Kansas 16 no restrictions
Kentucky none specified
Louisiana 16 no restrictions
Maine 18 (piercings excepted) no restrictions

What country can you get a tattoo at 16?

Ireland: besides the lack of legislation, you can get a tattoo at 16 if with adult consent. Finland: only under 16 with written consent too. France, Slovakia, Sweden, Germany, Cyprus, Poland, Portugal: 16 years old no permission needed.

Can I get my nipples pierced at 16 with parental consent?

There is no legal age of consent for body piercing, and so it’s legal for someone under the age of 18 to have a piercing as long as they have consented to it. Children under the age of 16 can’t legally consent to a genital (or in the case of girls, nipple) piercing, as it’s considered to be indecent assault.

What piercings can you get at 14?

We are here to provide you with nothing less than the best piercing available.

  • 14yr+ Navel. Eyebrow. Nostril. Ear Cartilage. Tragus.
  • 16yr+ Lip (any) Conch. Rook. Snug. Daith.
  • 18yr+ Septum. Nipple. Genitals. Dermal Anchors. Surface piercings. Industrial. Tongue.

Can a 13 year old get a cartilage piercing?

Yes, I personally think 13 IS too young to get a cartilage piercing, even if you could find someone to do it. Wait a few years and see if you still want it. Anyone who does someone under 16 should not be piercing someone. Just wait a little longer and use that time to decide which piercing you want.

Can a 13 year old get a nose piercing?

– Minors aged 14-18: Written consent from parent or legal guardian for body piercing, PLUS a parent or legal guardian must be present during the procedure. – NO TATTOOS OR BODY PIERCING FOR MINORS UNDER 14. – Parent or legal guardian must be present with minors when in a tattoo/piercing shop AT ALL TIMES.

Can you get your nose pierced at 13 with parental consent?

A minor’s parent or legal guardian must be present for a child under the age of 18 to get a body piercing. The parent or guardian must also provide written permission for the minor to receive the piercing. Piercers must keep copies of written permission to pierce minors on file for 5 years.

Is it OK for a 12 year old to get a nose piercing?

Legal yes, with parent consent and that usually means the parent being there with them. As mentioned on the other comment, many shops have their own rules to it as well. That’s just them protecting their own butts. However, I’d advise waiting beyond 12.