Can you deploy while flagged?

Can you deploy while flagged?

No the flag cannot prevent your deployment forward.

How long can a soldier be flagged?

Active flags will then be reviewed and validated at least monthly by a soldier’s unit commander, and by the battalion-level commander when the flag has been in place for more than six months. Flags will be removed within three working days after a soldier’s status changes from unfavorable to favorable.

Can I take leave while flagged?

Leave is a right, not a privilege or favorable action that can be suspended by a flag. That said, the days being approved is up to your chain of command, and good luck proving they’re denying leave out of spite. Naw they will probably still let you take leave.

Can a soldier ETS while flagged?

Soldiers flagged for APFT failure who are permanently changing station (PCS) or have expiring terms of service (ETS) are not authorized to be recommended for or receive awards while they are flagged. If the waiver is approved, it has to accompany the award recommendation once submitted.

What happens when a soldier is flagged?

A flag is designed to suspend actions that are considered favorable to the Soldier until the Soldier has been trained and the original incident or action has been rectified or corrected. AR 600-8-2 does not list a requirement to counsel a Soldier upon the initiation of a flag.

How do you tell if you are flagged army?

On your SRB/ORB, there’s a section for flags on the bottom left corner. An APFT flag will have a code of JA. If it is not removed, you will see JA in that section. If it is removed, the section will be empty.

Can you be flagged without being counseled?

Soldiers not on active duty will be counseled regarding initiation of a Flag prior to the conclusion of the first training period following the date the Flag was initiated. All flagged Soldiers will be provided a copy of the DA Form 268 when the Flag is initiated and when it is removed.

Do you lose promotable status if flagged?

Answer: Yes. If a Soldier is flagged the PPW system will remove the Soldier from the promotion standing list and place the Soldier into a NOT Eligible status.

How long are you flagged for an Article 15?

For example, confinement ordered by Article 15 has a maximum of 8 days. Confinement ordered by a General Court-Martial has a maximum of 200 days. Also, if found guilty at an Article 15 hearing, you do not have a federal conviction, unlike with a court-martial conviction.

What does getting flagged mean in the Army?

In the U.S. Army, being “flagged” means a soldier’s record is marked with a form indicating that the soldier cannot attend schools towards promotion, be promoted, or reenlist until the conditions that prompted the “flag” are corrected.

Can a commander revoke leave?

And the commander absolutely has authority to recall Soldiers from leave, deny it in the first place, or change his mind on leave already granted. The commander is the recall authority when Soldiers are on authorized leave and are needed for return to duty for reasons of military necessity.

Can you Pcs while under investigation?

Can a Soldier PCS if under investigation? If the Soldier is being investigated for a FLIPL (Financial Liability Investigation of Property Loss) then yes, the Soldier can PCS. If the Soldier is being investigated for misconduct under a Commander’s Inquiry or Law Enforcement Investigation, then no.

Do you have to talk to CID?

You cannot be compelled or forced to talk to CID, NCIS, OSI, CGIS, or any other military law enforcement person about an alleged crime involving a family member. It doesn’t matter whether you are in the military yourself. The investigator’s will not tell you that you can’t be forced to talk with them.

Do they look through your phone at basic training?

There are no cell phones allowed in Basic Training. This is a consistent rule for all of the military branches: Do not expect your service member to be able to call you, text you, or receive your messages when they are in Basic Training.