Did not agree meaning?

Did not agree meaning?

To not share the same opinion or feeling as someone. I’m afraid I don’t agree with Janet on this one.

What are antonyms for Agree?

Antonyms for agreed. differed (from), disagreed (with)

Can you just say Agreed?

Agreed means basically the same thing. It is short for “It is agreed” or “I am agreed”. In this case you can just say the word “agreed” on its own.

How do you say Strongly agree?

Synonyms for Strongly agree

  1. fully agree. v.
  2. completely agree. v.
  3. entirely agree. v.
  4. full agreement.
  5. totally agree. v.
  6. complete agreement.
  7. fully support. v.
  8. absolutely agree. v.

What are different ways to say yes?


  • Yes.
  • Ya.
  • Yep.
  • Yup.
  • Totally.
  • Totes.
  • Sure.

Why is Yup rude?

It sounds very colloquial and it can definitely sound rude in some contexts. But it doesn’t have to mean that you have no patience for somebody’s question. You can use “yup” when you’re impatient with something, but “yup” by itself doesn’t necessarily imply impatience.

What does it mean when a girl gives you one word answers?

but if you are getting a one word reply from a girl, there are chances that she is chatting with other persons as well. Not necessarily. It very well might mean that she is annoyed about something and the short curt answers point to you as the annoyance.

What do one word responses mean?

One word replies have a lot of meaning. The amount of work you put into something equates to the amount of passion you feel for it. One word replies by a lot people is a way to be short, to end the convo without being rude, which in itself is rude that people don’t realize.

Why do girls reply to short messages?

This generally prompts her to give a reason for her short responses or state that she’s not interested in having a heavy conversation with you. In some instances she may even say that she’s not a big texter and would rather a phone conversation. It simply depends. We, girls like to talk to the guy who likes us.

Why do guys give one-word answers?

The One-Word Response Men do not always realize how single words and phrases sent in a hurry can be misinterpreted and even come across as disrespectful. The simple answer is that we usually are trying to save time or are in the middle of something.

What does it mean if a guy says OK?

He is frustrated about something and wants his time. A lot of pressure by you about any subject could make him lose his interest in the conversation. Could just be a quick answer due to things he has to do after. A lot of people don’t give too much thought to their answers so some times its nothing(most times)

Does sure mean yes?

Sure is used as “yes,” though it never means “yes.” Sure is a thumbs up to your face, and a jerkoff motion behind your back.

Is sure a good answer?

Sure. Using “sure” in this way is typically American, as Americans are more wont to substitute adjectives for adverbs in informal speech. “we were well and truly beaten.” Sure is an answer that specifically means I agree with you, or I will do as you wish.

What is the difference between yes and OK?

OK means I have no objection. Yes means you are correct, or I agree, or I am willing.