Do you include maiden name in obituary?

Do you include maiden name in obituary?

The first of the details would, of course, be their name. If she was a married woman, you’ll want to include her maiden name and if he or she was commonly known by a nickname, you may want to add that as well. Other essential details to include when writing either a death notice or an obituary are: Full name.

Do you put maiden name on headstone?

There are no hard and fast rules about putting a maiden name on a headstone. We find that the inclusion of a maiden name is requested in only a small number of our commissions. It is often included when the woman’s family was quite prestigious or well known.

How do you show your maiden name on a gravestone?

Include the person’s complete name; first, middle and last. If it is a married woman who has taken her husband’s name, consider including her complete name, with both the maiden and married name. This is not traditional, yet would be greatly appreciated by future generations.

How do you add a name to a tombstone?

To add a name to an existing headstone you should hire a professional engraver who will perform the engraving on-site. Choosing the design of the inscription will depend on a number of factors from the existing design, burial plot’s regulations and level of skill of the engraver and space available.

What should I put on my mother’s headstone?

Headstone Sayings for Mothers

  • Our loving mother.
  • Beloved mother.
  • Devoted mother.
  • In loving memory of [insert name here]
  • Beloved by all who knew her.
  • Gone but not forgotten.

What message do you write on a tombstone?

A short message referred to as an epitaph is usually added to a headstone along with a person’s name, birth date, and death date. Typically, the goal of the epitaph is to leave some words of wisdom, share the most important values of the deceased, or summarize the person’s life.

How do you write an epitaph?

Four Tips for Writing an Epitaph:

  1. Epitaphs are short and concise.
  2. They convey a strong feeling.
  3. Often, someone is speaking in the first person (a relative, a friend; the deceased.)
  4. The writer should think about who is being addressed (for example, a passerby.)

What is an epitaph example?

Examples of Common Epitaphs In Loving Memory. Until We Meet Again. A Life Measured in Memories. Beloved Mother/Father, Wife/Husband, and Friend.

What’s epitaph mean?

1 : an inscription on or at a tomb or a grave in memory of the one buried there. 2 : a brief statement commemorating or epitomizing a deceased person or something past.

What should I put on a grave?

Most Common Grave Decorations

  • FRESH FLOWERS. Leaving fresh flowers on gravesites is a timeless, classic way to decorate a grave.
  • ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS. Some cemeteries do not allow fresh flowers to be placed on graves.

Is it disrespectful to walk on a grave?

Touching monuments or headstones is extremely disrespectful and in some cases, may cause damage. Be sure to walk in between the headstones, and don’t stand on top of a burial place. Be respectful of other mourners. If a funeral is occurring, take care not to get in the way of procession and burial.

What does leaving a coin on a grave mean?

Leaving a penny at the grave means simply that you visited. A nickel indicates that you and the deceased trained at boot camp together, while a dime means you served with him in some capacity. By leaving a quarter at the grave, you are telling the family that you were with the soldier when he was killed.

Is the wife buried on the right or left of husband?

Most cemeteries bury husbands on the south side of a burial plot, with their wives on the north.

Why do graves face east?

well in traditional Christian burial, the graves face east, because it is a reminder of the second coming of Christ, since he’s supposed to appear in Jerusalem, which is eastward from the countries ( if you’re talking of Europe, or America’s that is) and when Christ comes, his People will rise, and most Christians …

Why are graves 6 feet deep?

To Prevent Disturbing the Corpse Incredibly, grave robbery or “body snatching” proved a serious problem in the early 1800s, particularly in England and Scotland. Finally, some theorize that gravesites reaching 6 feet deep helped prevent farmers from digging up bodies when plowing their fields in rural areas.

Why are horses buried facing east?

Why are horses buried facing east? – Quora. The traditional Christian method of positioning the coffin or shroud covered body in the grave was to have the body with the head to the west, feet to the east. The body was placed face up. There the body would then be laid on its side, head to the north and facing east.

What horse is buried at Churchill Downs?


Are horses buried whole?

Most often the tradition is to save and bury the hooves, heart, and head of the horse. The head signifies the horse’s intelligence, the heart its spirit and its hooves its speed. The rest of the body is usually cremated. According to the Kentucky Horse Park website, all horses buried on the ground are buried whole.

How long does a coffin last?

If the coffin is sealed in a very wet, heavy clay ground, the body tends to last longer because the air is not getting to the deceased. If the ground is light, dry soil, decomposition is quicker. Generally speaking, a body takes 10 or 15 years to decompose to a skeleton.

What happens to a body after 1 year in a coffin?

Your body becomes a smorgasbord for bacteria Hours into the process, they will eventually chow down on your gallbladder, unleashing a yellow-green bile through your body, altering its hue. As hours turn into days, your body turns into a gory advertisement for postmortem Gas-X, swelling and expelling reeking substances.

What does a decomposing body smell like?

The gases and compounds produced in a decomposing body emit distinct odors. While not all compounds produce odors, several compounds do have recognizable odors, including: Cadaverine and putrescine smell like rotting flesh. Skatole has a strong feces odor.