Do you need a mirror for ProctorU?

Do you need a mirror for ProctorU?

You need a webcam, speakers, microphone and a reliable Internet connection to take your exams. Wireless Internet is not recommended. You will also need a mirror or othe r reflective surface. Sign up with ProctorU and schedule your exam appointment times during the first week of the semester.

Can online proctoring detect phones?

Online Proctoring that Detects Cell Phones We’re proud to have the remote proctoring industry’s first and only technology to detect cell phone, tablet, and laptop use while a student is taking an online proctored exam.

Is Proctorio always on?

Once I install Proctorio, is Proctorio always on? No, Proctorio only runs during an exam. Test Takers can tell when Proctorio is “on” because the Proctorio shield icon will turn green.

Does Proctorio tell you if you get flagged?

No. Proctorio exams are not monitored in real-time. Instead, Proctorio records your exam attempt and flags it for later review.

Does Proctorio record sound?

The following Proctorio options allow you to record the student’s webcam video, microphone, web browser and testing environment during the exam. [Figure 1] Screen clipping of the Proctorio Recording Options. The options are: Record Video, Record audio, Record Screen, Record Web Traffic and Record Room.]

Will Proctorio kick me out?

If you go against Proctorio rules set by your instructor, such as navigating away from the quiz, it is possible to be kicked out of the exam if your instructor has enabled a setting to do so.

How much does Proctorio cost?

The current cost for Proctorio is $5 per student per exam (e.g., 100 students taking 2 exams would cost 2x100x$5= $1000).

Does Proctorio use camera?

Proctorio uses the Internet, your computer’s webcam and microphone to monitor your activity during quizzes. If your computer doesn’t have a webcam or microphone or the ability to access the Internet, you will need to use a different computer with these capabilities.