How do I become the hottest version of myself?

How do I become the hottest version of myself?

That’s a basic explanation of how to become the hottest version of yourself….

  1. Wash and style your hair.
  2. Clear up your skin or use makeup.
  3. Dress fashionably and trendy.
  4. Tailor your clothes to fit your body perfectly.
  5. Get fit by exercising.
  6. Walk with proper posture.
  7. Fix your body language.
  8. Smile with confidence.

How can I be perfectly innocent?

Never use inappropriate language (swear words, rude words). Avoid rude topics, like discussing bodily functions. You should also replace words in your vocabulary with their innocent alternatives (God with gosh, Hell with h-e-double-hockey-sticks, damn with darn, etc). Avoid shouting or raising your voice too.

How do I make every other girl stand out?

11 Ways To Stand Out To A Guy (And Apart From Other Women)

  1. Approach him, but don’t roll over for him.
  2. Dress just a little bit differently.
  3. Have a life outside of him.
  4. Oh, and have hobbies and interests, too.
  5. Don’t show interest in his money or career, but do show interest in him doing something.

How can I become a really good girl?

Spend your time and energy on the people who build you up and make you feel good. They can help you feel happy and remind you of the person you want to be. You’re allowed not to be best friends with everyone. If you feel upset when you’re around someone, be polite to them, and focus your attention elsewhere.

How can I be a cool girlfriend?

How do you become a cool girlfriend?

  1. Easy to talk to.
  2. Slightly adventurous.
  3. A relaxed (down to earth) attitude about life.
  4. Maintain your jealousy.
  5. Don’t be afraid to always try new things.
  6. Have fun no matter what you’re doing.
  7. Don’t always feel like you have to look perfect.

How do I submit to my boyfriend?

How to Submit to Your Husband

  1. Let Him Take the Lead.
  2. Ask Him for His Opinion.
  3. Think of His Needs.
  4. Try Not to Criticize Him or Speak Negatively of Him.
  5. Be Intimate Frequently.
  6. Talk to Him About the Changes in Your Marriage.
  7. Don’t Accept Abusive Behavior.