How do you annoy your dad without getting in trouble?

How do you annoy your dad without getting in trouble?

~~50 ways to annoy your parents!~~

  1. Follow them around the house..everywhere.
  2. Moo when they say your name.
  3. Pretend to have amnesia.
  4. Say everything backwards.
  5. Give yourself a swirly.
  6. Run around with a lamp shade on your head yelling “The sun!
  7. Run into walls.

How do I get my parents to give me my phone back?


  1. Try talking to your school counselor to call and convince your parents to give it back if you’ve been good for a time.
  2. Try adding a clean partition of your phone, if you really need to hide something.
  3. Try to find a deal you can make.
  4. Be nice and respectful.
  5. If they say no, it’s alright.

How do you convince your parents to let you get a phone?

Ask for the details.

  1. If they say yes, ask them for their rules and expectations. Say, “I’m so excited about getting my new phone!
  2. If they say no, ask them what you can do to show them that you’re ready for a phone. Say, “What can I do to show you that I’m responsible enough for a phone?”

How do you convince your parents to let you cut your hair short?

Write out arguments or reason why you want short hair. Think about any objections your mom could raise against each one, and think about how you can respond. If it works for you, try to get a relative to help back you up. Now, it may be your mom won’t even want to talk about this and will just say no.

How do I convince my parents to let me get a buzz cut?

Respond to your parent’s concerns about the haircut.

  1. You should be willing to listen to your parents concerns and then respond to them politely.
  2. You may also tell your parents that you are old enough to get a haircut that you want and that they are going to have to trust your judgement on your appearance eventually.

Can I cut my hair without my parents permission?

The answer to your question is yes, but you’re asking the wrong question. The right question, in my opinion, is: Would cutting your hair without your mother’s permission strengthen or weaken your relationship with the one person on the…

Should you force your child to get a haircut?

In America parents have the legal right to do pretty much what they want in caring for their children. If your parents think it’s best your hair be cut, yes they can force a haircut on you. Whether that’s right or not is immaterial.

Can parents force you to get a haircut?

Originally Answered: Can parents force you to get a haircut? Yes (through either manipulation, threat of punishment, bribery, or physical force). My mom, when I was a kid, decided I looked better with short hair. Whenever it got ‘too long’ (in her opinion), she would start by pressuring me to cut it.