How do you politely stop a Christmas card?

How do you politely stop a Christmas card?

If you’ve sent a card for the last two years and haven’t received one in return, you’re fine to stop sending. If you want to cut your card list down a lot but are afraid people might tell you that they didn’t get a card from you this year and ask you whether everything is OK, let them know you cut your list by half.

Will my card arrive Christmas?

To guarantee your Christmas cards arrive at their destined UK destination by 25th December, make sure you post them by 20th December if you’re using a second class stamp. The last posting date for Africa and the Middle East is 2nd December while the last airmail day for western Europe is 16th December.

Should I send Christmas cards to clients?

It helps you keep in touch. Holiday cards are an instant system that ensure you express gratitude to current clients at least once a year, while also giving you an excuse to connect with former clients, reminding them how awesome you are.

What do you say in a Christmas card to your boss?

What to Write in Your Boss’s Christmas Card

  • Thank you for all your hard work and dedication this year.
  • Thank you for inspiring me to do my best every day.
  • Wishing a wonderful Christmas to a wonderful mentor.
  • Our team wouldn’t be the same without you.
  • Thank you for another outstanding year!

How do you give Secret Santa hints?

How to Come Up With the Best Secret Santa Clues

  1. Don’t be too specific. Obvious, right?
  2. Give them a chance. On the other hand, this isn’t a competition (at least not a serious one).
  3. Make it festive. If possible, add some Christmas flavor to your Secret Santa clue.
  4. Use a rhyme or poem.
  5. Use your gift as a clue.

How can I hide my Secret Santa gifts?

To keep the anonymity, you can throw the names into a hat. The hat method does have a chance of people pulling their own names. Sometimes people will pretend they’ve pulled their own name so that they can swap for an ‘easier’ colleague to shop for.

How can I make my Secret Santa more fun?

Scavenger Hunt – A fun game for an office. Before the party collect gifts from the staff and hide them around the office. Provide hints about their locations. Everyone begins the game at the office entrance. Each keeps the gift they find and drops out of the game so that everyone ends up with a gift.