How is Amanda designed?

How is Amanda designed?

She wants to walk on the soft dust with her bare feet. The pressing of the feet will create designs on the soft dust. She loves silence, and freedom is the sweetest thing that she values in her life. Again, Amanda’s mother stops her from eating chocolate.

Is Amanda a good name?

From 1976 to 1995, “Amanda” ranked in the ten most popular female baby names in the United States. The name was most popular from 1978 to 1992, when it ranked in the top 4. At its prime, in 1980, it was the second most popular. In 2009, “Amanda” ranked number 166.

What type of girl is Amanda As mentioned in the final stanza?


Why does Amanda seem moody most of the times?

Answer: Amanda seems moody most of the time because she is trying to make an escape from her sorry reality where she is nagged most of the times. Here the only defence against such reality is her imagination where she often escapes to. Hence, it makes her look moody and uninterested.

Why is eating chocolate harmful for Amanda?

Answer. Answer: Mother asks Amanda not to eat chocolates because she have acne. Amanda does not want let down her bright hair because she wants to live in peace.

What Amanda shouldnt eat?

ANSWER: The lines “Don’t eat that chocolate Amanda!” is taken from the poem ‘Amanda’. Here Amanda is asked not to eat chocolates by her mother. Whenever Amanda eats chocolates, she gets acne and her mother is very particular about that and asks her not to eat chocolates.

What made Amanda sulk become moody?

Ans. Amanda sulks and becomes moody when her mother gives her too many instructions. She does not want to follow them but she can’t dare to ignore them either, so she sulks.

What does Amanda not like?

Answer: Amanda was a little school-going girl. She seems to love fairy tales, stories like Rapunzel and mermaids. She does not like too many instructions or nagging which make her sulk and moody. Then she does not listen to her mother attentively and starts day-dreaming.

What does Amanda do with nails?

Answer. The poem describes a girl named Amanda and her mother who is nagging her for her mistakes. She is first pointed out most probably by her mother for biting her nails and for not sitting in the right posture. She is also scolded for not listening to her mother.