How long is the impact video?

How long is the impact video?

The Impact Texas Teen Drivers program (ITTD) is a two-hour video course designed to further prepare teens to be safe drivers. The course is broken into eight (8) 15-minute videos that you can watch separately.

How many crashes are caused by distracted driving?

General Cell Phone Statistics The National Safety Council reports that cell phone use while driving leads to 1.6 million crashes each year. Nearly 390,000 injuries occur each year from accidents caused by texting while driving. 1 out of every 4 car accidents in the United States is caused by texting and driving.

What are the 4 types of distracted driving?

There are four types of driver distraction:

  • Visual – looking at something other than the road.
  • Auditory – hearing something not related to driving.
  • Manual – manipulating something other than the steering wheel.
  • Cognitive – thinking about something other than driving.

Who is most at risk for distracted driving?

Drivers aged 15-19 were more likely to be distracted than drivers aged 20 and older, among drivers in crashes where someone died. Among these drivers, eight percent of drivers aged 15 to 19 were distracted at the time of the crash.

How many have died from texting while driving?

4,637 people

What age group texts and drives the most?

Figure 3 shows that drivers under 24 are much more likely to text while driving (44% to 49%) than older drivers. In fact, after age 25, the inci- dence of texting while driving drops with every age group, from 26% in the 25- to 34-year-olds to less than 1% in those 65 and older.

Is texting and driving the leading cause of death?

According to, distracted driving – of which texting and other cell phone use is a leading cause – was responsible for the following statistics in 2015: 3,196 fatal car accidents. 3,477 deaths. 3,000 teens dying in crashes due to texting and driving.

What state has the most texting and driving accidents?

New Mexico

What state has the most car crashes?

US States With the Most Car Accidents

  • Florida is the state with the most car accidents, but Texas had the most fatal accidents in 2018.
  • Around six million automobile collisions occur in the US every year.
  • The leading causes of collisions throughout the country are speeding, distracted driving, and driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

What state has the strictest driving laws?


What is the strictest state?


What is the speeding law in Texas?

Texas Speed Limit Laws Section 545.351(1) of the Texas vehicle code states that, “No person shall drive a vehicle at a speed greater than is reasonable and prudent under the circumstances then existing or under the conditions and having regard to actual and potential hazards.”

Is it legal to go 5 over the speed limit in Texas?

Note that driving less than 5 mph over legal speed limit in Texas state is typically considered acceptable and you should not get a traffic ticket for it. This is a reasonable margin of error and most law enforcement officers will not pull you over for exceeding speed limits by less than 5 miles per hour.

How fast over the speed limit is a felony in Texas?

Reckless driving can also be charged as a result of excessive speed (i.e., 81 m.p.h. or faster in a 65 mph zone or 20 mph faster than the speed limit in all other zones). In Texas reckless driving is considered a criminal offense.

Can you go to jail in Texas for speeding?

If you are caught speeding in Texas, you are issued a citation (speeding ticket). As long as you sign the citation issued by the officer, you cannot be arrested. Also if the speed that you are traveling is far over the speed limit that it turns into reckless driving then an arrest is possible.

Can you speed to pass a car in Texas?

Even if you live in Texas or another state with prima facie speed limits, you can get pulled over for speeding to pass another car when it’s not necessary.

Where is the speed limit 80 mph in Texas?

The limit is 80 on an 89-mile stretch of I-20 between Monahans and the Interstate 10 interchange at the edge of the Jeff Davis Mountains. Same for the 432 miles between Kerrville and El Paso on I-10.

Can you speed while passing?

Although some officers may use their discretion to allow for faster speeds while passing, the California Vehicle Code does not allow for any variance in the speed limit. If you are passing at 56 miles per hour, you very well may be stopped and cited.