How old is Donald Sutherland today?

How old is Donald Sutherland today?

85 years (17 July 1935)

Where does Donald Sutherland come from?

Saint John, Canada

Has Donald Sutherland won an Oscar?

Like many of his film colleagues, Sutherland never won an Oscar for Best Actor or Best Supporting Actor. Many an actor who may one day hold one of the coveted statuettes in his hands might be far less known and successful than Donald Sutherland.

What is Donald Sutherland known for?

Donald Sutherland is an actor known for his roles in movies and TV shows such as ‘The Dirty Dozen,’ ‘M*A*S*H,’ ‘Pride & Prejudice’ and ‘The Hunger Games.

When was Donald Sutherland born?

17 July 1935 (age 85 years)

Who plays President Snow?

Donald SutherlandThe Hunger Games

Did Donald Sutherland play in Harry Potter?

14 Donald Sutherland as Albus Dumbledore.

Does Rupert Grint have a baby?

Harry Potter actor Rupert Grint has made a belated debut on Instagram by posting a snap of his baby daughter. Grint said he was “here to introduce you all to Wednesday,” the six-month-old baby girl his partner Georgia Groome gave birth to in May.

Who does Emma Watson marry?

Leo Robinton

Are Hermione and Draco dating in real life?

Sadly, the truth is that the Harry Potter stars are probably not a thing — not romantically that is. ET has confirmed that the actors aren’t dating – just really good friends.

Who does Emma Watson date?

Who married Harry Potter in real life?

Jason Isaacs & Emma Hewitt Unlike some of his Harry Potter co-stars, Isaacs has enjoyed a long and happy marriage to his wife Emma Hewitt, a documentary filmmaker. They’ve been together since 1988 and eventually got married in 2001, which means they’ve really been an item for over thirty years.

Does Hermione love Harry?

While Harry and Hermione have never been romantically involved, that has not stopped many others from assuming that they two of them are together.

Did Luna and Neville dated in real life?

In short, Luna is almost definitely the dreamy, Indiana Jones of the magic world at this point. While Neville and Luna never officially dated in the books or the films, their popularity as a couple in the fan community is totally understandable. Kudos to both Lynch and Rowling for knowing Luna Lovegood so well.

Are Harry and Draco friends in real life?

Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy met up in real life and fans are absolutely loving it. It’s weird how the characters that actors portray are often nothing like their real-life personas. Draco is a slimy and bigoted character, but Harry Potter fans around the world insist that Felton himself is an absolute sweetheart.

What did Neville say about Luna?

Neville: Never better! I feel like I could spit fire. You haven’t seen Luna, have you?… I’m mad for her!