Is bankruptcy really a fresh start?

Is bankruptcy really a fresh start?

Filing for bankruptcy gives a fresh start to financially strapped individuals. In a Chapter 7 personal bankruptcy, all credit card debts and “unsecured” debts are eliminated and it gives you a chance at a new life. After bankruptcy, you can recover good credit in about two years.

Which federal law prevents you from being threatened just because you owe money?

The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act prohibits debt collectors from using any harassing or abusive practices in an attempt to collect the debt. “Harassment is more than just repeatedly asking you to pay money,” says bankruptcy attorney Jay Fleischman.

What does it mean to have a fresh start?

: to start a new life Her divorce gave her an opportunity to make a fresh/new start.

What is another word for fresh start?

•clean slate (noun) square one, tabula rasa, clear conscience, new beginnings.

What word means reborn?


What’s another word for second chance?

What is another word for second chance?

prospect chance
crack fighting chance
kick at the can kick at the cat
liberty luck
lucky chance opportunism

What is the better word for good?

What is another word for good?

excellent exceptional
nice pleasant
positive satisfactory
satisfying superb
wonderful acceptable

What can I say instead of good job?

The List

  • “Hmm!” Smile and nod. That’s right.
  • Tell me about this!
  • I can see that you_____. (
  • You look proud.
  • Describe + How did you do it?
  • Thank you!
  • Describe + I appreciate your hard work / effort.
  • Your face looks happy!

Can I say good job to my boss?

A simple well done or nice one is much more acceptable and can be used between people of any position. In the USA, the phrase good job is used much more often and has no negative connotations that I know of.

How do you tell someone they are good at their job?

For work completed fairly, accurately, and on time

  1. Thank you!
  2. Good work, as always.
  3. Thanks for getting this done.
  4. You are a lifesaver.
  5. Thank you for pulling everyone/everything together on such short notice.
  6. I appreciate you getting this to me so quickly so I have time to review it.
  7. Thanks for your help today.

When should you say good job?

You’re doing that much better today. You’ve just about got it. That’s the best you’ve ever done. You’re doing a good job.

How do you say good job in a better way?

Here is the list of 100 alternative phrases to say instead of good job or very good:

  1. You’re on the right track now!
  2. You’ve got it made.
  3. That’s right!
  4. That’s good.
  5. I’m very proud of you.
  6. You’re really working hard today.
  7. You are very good at that.
  8. That’s coming along nicely.