Is forsake synonym of abandon?

Is forsake synonym of abandon?

The words abandon and desert are common synonyms of forsake. While all three words mean “to leave without intending to return,” forsake suggests an action more likely to bring impoverishment or bereavement to that which is forsaken than its exposure to physical dangers.

Whats the meaning of forsake?

abandon, desert

What is opposite word of continue?

Antonyms for continue reject, condemn, depart, refuse, decrease, stop, go, abbreviate, leave, take back, quit, retreat, ignore, shorten, halt, retrogress, desist, discontinue, finish, end, complete, move, cease.

How do you use forsake in a sentence?

Forsake sentence example. He won’t forsake his duty, she said and rose, agitated. When you forsake divine code, it has a way of forsaking you. bribed them with a sum of seventy-five thousand crowns to forsake him, Edward further undertaking to guarantee the loyalty of the duke of Brittany.

What does the vow forsaking all others mean?

During most traditional wedding ceremonies, especially if they take place in a church or under the auspices of a faith community, the new couple vows “to forsake all others.” Most of us take this to mean they vow to forsake intimate relations with anyone of the opposite sex who is not their spouse.

Is Forsaked a word?

1. to quit or leave entirely; abandon; desert: to forsake one’s family.

What does gainful mean?

: productive of gain : profitable gainful employment.

What does imperiled mean?

transitive verb. : to bring into peril : endanger.

What does irreproachable mean?

: not reproachable : blameless, impeccable irreproachable conduct.

What does the word nullify mean?

nullify, negate, annul, abrogate, invalidate mean to deprive of effective or continued existence. nullify implies counteracting completely the force, effectiveness, or value of something.

What does yearning mean?

intransitive verb. 1 : to long persistently, wistfully, or sadly yearns to make a difference. 2 : to feel tenderness or compassion.

Is yearning a feeling?

“Yearning is an emotional state widely experienced in situations involving loss, focused on a desire for a person, place, or thing that was treasured in the past.” You can yearn for all sorts of people, places, things, moments, relationships, etc.

What is the difference between yearning and longing?

As nouns the difference between longing and yearning is that longing is an earnest and deep, not greatly passionate, but rather melancholic desire while yearning is a wistful or melancholy longing.

What is the opposite of insane?

You probably know that the word insane means crazy. Well, the opposite of insane is sane — or not crazy. A sane person is of sound mind and is mentally healthy. Sane people have good judgment, are reasonable, and can tell the difference between what’s real and imagined.

What is a fancy word for insane?

adjective. mad, crazed, crazy, demented, deranged, mentally ill, out of one’s mind, unhinged. stupid, bonkers (informal), daft (informal), foolish, idiotic, impractical, irrational, irresponsible, preposterous, senseless.

What’s a word for insane?

SYNONYMS FOR insane 1 demented; lunatic, crazed, crazy; maniacal.

What are some synonyms for insane?


  • crazy.
  • demented.
  • deranged.
  • insane.
  • mad.
  • maniacal.
  • manic.
  • violent.

What’s a word worse than crazy?

What is another word for crazy?

insane mad
foolish nuts
absurd bonkers
dotty crackers
preposterous bats

How would you describe an insane person?

Characterized by insanity or the utmost folly; chimerical; unpractical; as, an insane plan, attempt, etc. Not sane; mentally ill or deranged; demented; mad. Exhibiting unsoundness or disorder of mind; not sane; mad; deranged in mind; delirious; distracted.

How do you describe going crazy?

What is another word for go crazy?

lose it freak out
go off the deep end blow one’s stack
blow your mind blow your top
go haywire flip out
go ballistic go off

What does go crazy mean?

to become mentally ill