Is it a good idea to get back with your ex husband?

Is it a good idea to get back with your ex husband?

Your Friends And Family Think It's a Good Idea To Get Back Together. In most cases, your friends and family will tell you to just move on and forget about your ex. However, if they tell you that you should try getting back together with your ex, then it means that the relationship with your ex is probably worth saving.

Why you should never get back with an ex?

It may aptly apply here as a warning to stay clear of people and situations that hurt you in the past. Taking back your ex leaves you vulnerable to the same magnitude of hurt that you would have endured before. So you felt you constantly had to be doing the same things over and over, investing and reinvesting.

How do you know if you should get back with an ex?

First, both of you and your ex have to willingly discuss how you've grown and changed since your breakup. You should address the reasons you broke up in the first place. You should also consider whether you want your ex back for comfort, or whether they add something to your life you can't find anywhere else.