Is it correct to say all is well?

Is it correct to say all is well?

Both are correct depending on the context. “All is well”- refers to the appraisal of a situation that every thing is in order. Situation is singular. “All are well”- refers to the well being of a group of people/friends etc., Group is more than one & is plural.

What can I say instead of all good?

What is another word for all good?

it’s all good don’t worry about it
that’s all right don’t mention it
it’s my pleasure certainly
sure of course
that’s okay it’s the least I could do

What’s a big word for good?

What is another word for good?

excellent exceptional
positive satisfactory
satisfying superb
wonderful acceptable
affable agreeable

What is a better word than excellent?

sterling, superlative, great, good, exemplary, exceptional, skillful, admirable, outstanding, magnificent, superb, accomplished, first-rate, attractive, finest, fine, distinguished, exquisite, capital, champion.

What is excellent excellent?

Something excellent is very good, great, or high quality: this is one of the best compliments around. Words like extraordinary and exceptional are similar in meaning to excellent. This is a strong word used mainly for things, people, and actions that are much better than average.

What is a slang word for excellent?

Excellent, in slang. PHAT. Most excellent, in slang. ILLEST. Splendid, in slang.

How do you say Excellent?

Arzella invented this list of 101 Ways to Say “Excellent!” and posted it by each workstation….

  1. That’s the best ever.
  2. You’ve just about mastered it.
  4. That’s better than ever.
  5. Much better!
  7. You must have been practicing.
  8. You did that very well.

What is tres bien?

very good, very well. excellent.

What is Mon Cheri?

The phrase “mon chéri” is French for “my darling”.

What does tres mean?

Très is a French word that is defined as very and is sometimes combined with an English word to show humor. An example of très is saying that a café au lait is very tasty.

How do you respond to Merci?

The usual answer to “merci” in French is “de rien” which has about the same meaning as “no problem” and translates to “it’s nothing”. The most commonly used is probably “De rien”.

What’s the meaning of Merci beaucoup?

thank you very much

What does Gemma Pell mean in French?

‘S’appeler’, since it’s reflexive, means ‘to call oneself’. ‘je m’appelle’ is usually said before a name. It then means ‘I call myself [name]’.

How do you say Tammy in French?


  1. tam.
  2. tam-o’-shanter.