Is it OK for my girlfriend to be friends with her ex?

Is it OK for my girlfriend to be friends with her ex?

Originally Answered: Is it okay for my girlfriend to be friends with her ex? Of course. If she wants to be with you, there’s nothing wrong with her friendship with her ex. If she doesn’t want to be with you, then telling her not to be friends with her ex isn’t going to save you–your relationship is doomed.

Should I tell my girlfriend my ex texted me?

It depends on your relationship, but experts agree it’s usually better to be up-front about it. Honesty and communication are essential to a healthy relationship, so if you and your current partner always tell each other everything, then they might feel a violation of trust if you don’t tell them your ex texted you.

Should I tell my boyfriend I talked to my ex?

Experts agree that sometimes, telling your partner about an interaction with an ex can do more harm than good. “Only disclose as much information as they can handle,” says relationship therapist Cyndi Darnell. “Sometimes, people ask for TMI not because they’re curious, but because they’re anxious.

Should I tell my ex that I’m seeing someone else?

Telling your ex that you are seeing someone else is not a must. However, if there are still feeling left either in your part or on his end. Making things clear can actually benefit both of you. There are Dangers And Boundaries For being Friends With An Ex.

Should I tell my current boyfriend about my ex?

For the most part, it’s fine to talk about your ex and your past relationships, but that doesn’t mean sharing everything. As a guy, here are some things your new boyfriend probably doesn’t want to hear about your ex. In general, you should avoid direct comparisons between your current boyfriend and your ex.

When should you talk about your ex?

When it comes to talking about an ex, timing is everything. Finn explained that there’s no hard and fast rule when it comes to timing, but you probably want to give a relationship time to develop before adding in any emotional third parties — i.e., avoid talk of your ex on the first date.