Is this sentence correct grammatically?

Is this sentence correct grammatically?

In order for a sentence to be grammatically correct, the subject and verb must both be singular or plural. In other words, the subject and verb must agree with one another in their tense. If the subject is in plural form, the verb should also be in plur al form (and vice versa).

Is Can I go to the bathroom correct?

So while yes, asking “may I go to the bathroom?” is asking for permission, asking the “can” question is actually referring to “are the conditions of me being able to the bathroom met?” which includes but is not exclusive just having permission. …

How do you ask to go to the toilet?

How to Ask for the Bathroom in English

  1. ‘Could you tell me where the bathroom is please’ ‘Where are the toilets please? ‘ ‘Where are the ladies’/gents’ please?
  2. ‘Excuse me but where is the loo? ‘ ‘I’m just going for a patter on the porcelain’
  3. ‘Could you tell me where the restroom is please? ‘ ‘Whereis the ladies’/men’s room please?

Can or will you?

‘Can’ indicates a higher possibility while ‘could’ suggests a lower one. ‘Will’ is commonly used when we are certain of something because it is what is expected. We can use ‘will’ with a similar meaning to ‘must. ‘

How do you ask to go to the bathroom?

Ask to use the bathroom. Raise your hand, wait patiently to be called on, and ask for permission to use the restroom. “May I please go to the restroom, Mr./Mrs/Ms. ____.” Raise your hand with the special signal (perhaps crossed fingers) and patiently wait for a response.

Can a teacher deny bathroom?

Yes, a teacher can say “no” to allowing a student to use the bathroom. Every teacher knows that some students will ask to use the restroom whether they really need to go or not.

Is it rude to say toilet in America?

But yes, in parts of the United States it is going to be considered a bit rude and also odd to say “toilet.” We Americans tend to adopt diffuse euphemisms for those shameful bodily functions that are named directly only by physicians, comedians, and angry people.

What is toilet called in English?


What is toilet called in USA?

In the United States, what the English call a “lavatory” is called a “sink”. The appliance where you do your business is almost universally called a “toilet”. The room it is in is called a “bathroom” or “bath” in a home or apartment.

Why is John slang for toilet?

Today I found out why the toilet is sometimes called a “John”. The term is thought to derive from Sir John Harrington or, at the least, to have been popularized due to Harrington. This derived from the term “Jakes”, which was a slang term for what we now call a toilet. …

What is a female toilet called?

A female urinal is a urinal designed for the anatomy of women, to allow ease of use by women and girls. Urinals are more abundant in men’s and boys’ public toilets than in the facilities in private homes.

How do you dry your bottom after using a bidet?

How are you supposed to dry after using a bidet? If your booty is too busy to hang around for a few minutes to air dry, you can pat dry with a tiny bit of toilet paper (you’ll reduce your toilet paper usage, which will save $$$ and 🌎) or a reusable towel if you’re an advanced pooper.

What do they call the bathroom in Australia?

If you need to go to the restroom, comfort room, or whatever else you call that room (because you’re pissed, or simply pissed off), that place is the loo, or call it toilet.

What do Aussies call Speedos?

Budgie smugglers is an Australian slang phrase that is used to describe tight-fitting men’s swimwear, also known as speedos. The design is commonly used by athletes and swimmers, as well as for casual beachwear, particularly in mainland Europe, Australia and New Zealand.

What is ice cream called in Australia?

Yeah, good onya, mate.). Heaps: An affirmation for emphasis (e.g., I love you heaps and heaps; I have heaps of work). Icy-pole: Ice cream or popsicle.

What is a sweater called in Australia?

A sweater, also called a jumper in British and Australian English, and a windcheater in parts of Australia, is a piece of clothing, typically with long sleeves, made of knitted or crocheted material, that covers the upper part of the body. When sleeveless, the garment is often called a slipover or sweater vest.

Is undies an Australian word?

Simple. Aussie slang is full of alternative words for our trousers and underwear. Reginalds or Reg Grundies are rhyming slang for undies, while bloomers are known as bum shorts in Queensland, and scungies in New South Wales and the ACT.

What do Australians call Americans?


What do Australians call mcdonalds?


What is McDonald’s called in China?


What do Australians call chips?

Australian and New Zealand English uses “chips” both for what North Americans call french fries and for what Britons call crisps. When confusion would occur between the two meanings, “hot chips” and “cold chips” are used.

Why is everything so expensive in Australia?

Australian taxes are high to support infrastructure, but the real reason Australia is expensive is a lack of competition between the companies that provide goods and services. For example; Australia effectively only has two supermarket chains Woolworths and Coles (although Aldi and Costco have started to compete here).

Why is Australia so dangerous?

What makes Australia such a hostile country? The Sun – Australia lies under a hole in the ozone layer, and ultraviolet rays burn the skin like nothing else. That’s why Australia has the highest rate of skin cancer in the world. Snakes – 21 of the 25 venomous snake species live in Australia.

Is Australia cheaper than USA?

Australia currently has the 12th highest cost of living in the world, with the USA and UK well behind at 21 and 23rd place respectively. The overall cost of living in Australia is 9% higher than the USA, but 10% cheaper than London. Australia’s most expensive city, Sydney sits at 42 on the Cost of living index.

Is Australia more expensive than UK?

Overall, the cost of renting and buying a property is lower in the UK than in Australia. (Here is how to keep the costs of buying lower in the UK.) Still, there are great local differences. For instance, the costs of renting and buying property in London are nearly 20% higher than in Sydney.