What are your favorite activities?

What are your favorite activities?

What are your favorite activities when you want to relax?

  • Playing video games. 474 votes.
  • Listen to music. 359 votes.
  • Netflix. 335 votes.
  • Hang out with friends. 293 votes.
  • Having a few cold drinks. 269 votes.
  • Watching a movie. 261 votes.
  • Hang out with family. 249 votes.
  • Reading a book. 196 votes.

What can I teach my 5 year old at home?

Educational and Learning Activities

  • Word Board. This is one of the simple activities for 5-year-olds at home that can be done with the easily available material.
  • Skip Counting. This activity is one of the simple math activities for 4-5-year-olds.
  • Dice Game.
  • Butterfly life-cycle activity.
  • Junior Scrabble.

What can I do with my 5 year old at home?

Here are a few ideas.

  • Read a book. Our kids’ books are right in our living room, available any time of day.
  • Write a book.
  • Act out a book.
  • Listen to a book.
  • Make an indoor clubhouse.
  • Perform a puppet show or play.
  • Have an indoor picnic or tea party.
  • Make homemade play-doh.

How do I play with my 5 year old?

Play ideas for a 5 Year Old

  1. Life Size Me. Children can have fun creating their own life size picture of themselves.
  2. Paper Collage.
  3. Story Stones.
  4. Pretend Supermarket.
  5. Musical Statues.
  6. What can you hear?
  7. The Camera Game.
  8. Building Challenge.

How do you entertain a 5 year old during lockdown?

20 activities to keep kids entertained in lockdown

  1. Learn to draw. Draw With Rob is a draw-along video series by children’s author and illustrator Rob Biddulph.
  2. Tackle an indoor adventure.
  3. Practice yoga.
  4. Get moving.
  5. Tune into story time.
  6. Try a Lego challenge.
  7. Make origami animals.
  8. Visit Google Art and Culture.

How many activities do children have?

To sum it up, it is ideal that you enroll your child to not more than two or three activities per week after school and make sure she enjoys them all. However, it wouldn’t hurt to squeeze an extra in if there’s an activity over the weekend, if you really think she will really benefit.

What activities can I put my 2 year old in?

Some of the developmental activities for 2-year-olds are as follows:

  • Building Blocks. This game introduces your child to letters and numbers.
  • Simon Says. Simon Says is a simple game which keeps toddlers entertained for long, while teaching them to follow instructions.
  • Object Line Tracing.
  • All Aboard.
  • Obstacle Course.

How do I choose extracurricular activities?

Here are some ideas:

  1. Find out what’s out there.
  2. Explore activities that you enjoy and that make the most of your talents.
  3. Keep an open mind and try activities that challenge you in different ways.
  4. Go to the first meeting even if you don’t think you’ll end up joining.
  5. Look for activities where you have a chance to lead.

How much extracurricular activities is enough?

In general, between 5 and 10 hours per week for each main activity is a good benchmark, depending on how many activities you are involved in and how much time you devote to other responsibilities. (Remember to never let your academics suffer at the expense of extracurriculars!)

What are impressive extracurriculars?

Great extracurriculars show what your passion is. This can be accomplished by having multiple similar extracurriculars (such as being part of multiple science clubs), or showing a deep commitment to a particular extracurricular, often by pursuing it for many years and spending a significant amount of time on it.