What can I do instead of drinking on the weekends?

What can I do instead of drinking on the weekends?

Things To Do & Places To Go Instead Of The Bar

  • Go to the library and read something new.
  • Go to a late night yoga or fitness class.
  • Take in some art.
  • Host a clothing swap.
  • Go down the YouTube rabbit hole.
  • Go bowling.
  • Catch a show—and I mean more than just movies.
  • Get your game face on.

How do you have fun while sober?

Find a class you’re interested in, and you could find new friends there. Join a gym and take some fitness classes….Connection with other people is one of the most powerful antidotes for addiction.

  1. Make Stuff.
  2. Get Some Exercise.
  3. Try Something New.
  4. Explore the World Around You.

What to do when you want to drink?

Here are some options:

  1. Remind yourself of your reasons for making a change.
  2. Talk it through with someone you trust.
  3. Distract yourself with a healthy, alternative activity.
  4. Challenge the thought that drives the urge.
  5. Ride it out without giving in.
  6. Leave high-risk situations quickly and gracefully.

Is drinking everyday bad?

According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, drinking is considered to be in the moderate or low-risk range for women at no more than three drinks in any one day and no more than seven drinks per week. For men, it is no more than four drinks a day and no more than 14 drinks per week.

Can you lose weight by quitting drinking?

People who stop regular moderate to heavy alcohol intake can more easily lose unwanted excess weight. Your food cravings may decrease when you stop drinking alcohol.

Why do alcoholics have big stomachs?

For example, drinking alcohol can lead to a bacterial infection that causes gastritis and, in turn, stomach bloating. Alcohol can also cause weight gain, which can resemble bloating. This weight gain stems from the high number of calories in many alcoholic drinks.