What change feels like?

What change feels like?

Change feels like walking in the dark. You know generally the direction you’re going, and you know you’re making progress. But you’re not sure how much further you have to go. You’re doing something you know how to do (walking!), it feels uncertain and risky.

What do you feel what do you think was the point of catching checking and changing your feelings?

The point of catching, checking, and changing your feeling is to be assured of a decision that you are making. Explanation: Sometimes, we catch the feeling and take a decision in a rush. It’s good if you check and ask yourself if you are moving in the right direction.

What is the point of catching?

The goal of catching is to retain possession of the object you catch. It is better to catch an object in the hands than to trap it against the body or opposite arm because if the object is caught in the hands, the catcher can quickly manipulate it – usually by throwing it.

What does it mean when you feel like a different person?

People experiencing extreme stress or abuse often feel this. It’s a common symptom of a thing called dissociation, which is when you go into an altered state to deal with stress. It’s also a symptom of PTSD, in which you continue to dissociate after that stress is gone.

Why is change hard for most people?

At its core, resistance to change is a label we apply to people who seem unwilling to accept a change. But for the most part, it isn’t the change itself that people resist. People resist change because they believe they will lose something of value or fear they will not be able to adapt to the new ways.

Can your feelings change for someone?

But feelings do change. Feelings change for many reasons and is a natural progression of any relationship. It does not mean that you don’t love that person anymore; it just means the relationship is changing. It is so important to understand that being in a relationship is work and will always be work.