What do circumstances mean?

What do circumstances mean?

1a : a condition, fact, or event accompanying, conditioning, or determining another : an essential or inevitable concomitant the weather is a circumstance to be taken into consideration.

What does it mean by unforeseen circumstances?

used in official statements for explaining that something unexpected has happened that will prevent an event or situation from continuing normally. Due to circumstances beyond our control, we have been forced to close the exhibition for the next two days. Synonyms and related words.

What’s the opposite of circumstances?

Opposite of a favorable circumstance or occasion. inopportuneness.

Which has the closest meaning to word accumulate?


  • accumulate.
  • amass.
  • build up.
  • collect.
  • enlarge.
  • flow.
  • gather.
  • grow.

Which word means living circumstances?

Adjective. 幸福 (of one’s life, circumstances, etc.)

What does kofuku mean?


What is happy Cantonese?

快樂幸福 – cheerful, happy.

How do you say smart in Cantonese?

叻 (lek1 lik1 lak6 | le4) : smart; clever; competent – CantoDict.

How do you say good luck in Cantonese?

[hou2 wan6] “GOOD LUCK” in Cantonese (好運) – Flashcard.

How do you wish someone good luck for a new job?

Simple Congratulations Messages

  1. Missing you already…
  2. Enjoy the greener pastures!
  3. Congratulations on your new job!
  4. Wishing you the best success in your new role xx.
  5. Cheers to your continued success – you deserve your promotion and will do great in your new role!
  6. Congratulations for landing a great job!

What can I say other than good luck?

Learn 50 “good luck” synonyms in English.

  • All the best!
  • Be careful!
  • Best of luck!
  • Fingers crossed!
  • I hope things will turn out fine.
  • Wishing you all the best!
  • Wishing you lots of luck!
  • You are going to be amazing!

How do you wish all the best in different ways?

Among the most used expressions to wish the best of luck to someone are:

  1. Good luck!
  2. Break a leg!
  3. Knock ’em dead!
  4. Blow them away!
  5. Best of luck!
  6. You’ll do great!
  7. Fingers crossed!

What to say instead of I wish you the best?

I hope it all goes well! Have a blast! I wish you luck!…Here I Google this for you I hope it helps 50 Ways you can say good luck to someone:

  • All the best!
  • Be careful!
  • Best of luck!
  • Fingers crossed!
  • I hope things will turn out fine.
  • Wishing you all the best!
  • Wishing you lots of luck!
  • You are going to be amazing!