What do I need to know about RA 8504?

What do I need to know about RA 8504?

An act promulgating policies and prescribing measures for the prevention and control of HIV/AIDS in the Philippines, instituting a nationwide HIV/AIDS information and educational program, establishing a comprehensive HIV/AIDS monitoring system, strengthening the Philippine National Aids Council, and for other purposes.

What is the meaning of RA 8504?

Philippine AIDS Prevention and Control

What is the title of RA 8504?

Laws and Policies – Released in 1998 With the passage of Republic Act 8504 otherwise known as the Philippine AIDS Prevention and Control Act of 1998, the country’s response to HIV/AIDS is now strengthened and concretized via the wide spectrum of provisions comprehensively contained in this law.

What is AIDSWatch?

AIDSWatch is the largest, constituent-based national HIV advocacy event. We can make the unprecedented opportunity of ending the HIV epidemic in America a reality by providing the resources, policies and programs necessary to ensure that HIV prevention, care, treatment and support services are widely available.

What pillar of Reproductive Health Act states that effective and quality health?

Pillar 1

Do I have to disclose mental illness?

Generally you would only disclose conditions that could affect your role, and which may warrant a consideration of adjustments. Employers expect honesty so if there is a reasonable probability that your mental health will impact on your ability to do your job then you should disclose it.

Do I have to tell my employer I’m bipolar?

You don’t have to talk to your boss or coworkers about your bipolar disorder. Your health is your personal, private business. But if your condition has been affecting your performance at work, being open may be a good idea. Your boss and coworkers may have noticed the changes in your behavior.

Do you have to disclose mental illness to an employer?

On the job. Employees generally can’t be required to disclose a psychiatric disability unless requesting a job accommodation. Then, the employer can ask for some medical documentation about the disability. This medical information can’t be shared with others in the workplace.

Should you disclose your mental illness to employer?

You have the right to disclose at any time during your employment. You also have the right not to disclose. The Americans with Disabilities Act(ADA)1 states that employers cannot ask questions that will likely reveal the existence of a disability before making a job offer.