What do you do when your family is falling apart?

What do you do when your family is falling apart?

Because, the truth is… you ARE strong, and you WILL get through this.

  1. Seek help.
  2. Tell someone your family is falling apart.
  3. Talk to your siblings or other family members.
  4. Write in a journal.
  5. Reach out to God.
  6. Stay laser focused on your goals.
  7. Don’t resort to substances or addictions for help.
  8. Create paradise where you are.

How do you have faith when everything goes wrong?

How to Have Faith in God When Everything Is Going Wrong

  1. Understand God’s timing. In our self-centered thinking, we assume that we know how everything must work out and in what time frame.
  2. Pray that His will be done.
  3. See this as a time of training and preparation.
  4. Ask if what you want is good for you.
  5. Bar any open doors.

How do I trust God completely?

In order to really believe some of the messages the bible gives us about perfect peace and trust God completely, you need faith. Faith that God is real and listening. Faith that He loves you and wants to take care of you. Faith that he hears you when you cry out to Him during those anxiety filled moments.

How do you have faith in God in hard times?

How To Keep Your Faith Up—Even When Life Is Difficult

  1. Pray. Ask God, the universe, or whatever higher force you believe in for the strength to love to your full potential.
  2. Be generous to others.
  3. Get inspired.
  4. Surround yourself with people you admire.
  5. Get the ball rolling first thing in the morning.

How do I see God working in my life?

In order to see God continuing to work in your life, go to church, study the Bible, and pray, and actively look for what God is saying to you, how He wants you to turn your life around, and how He promises to guide you the whole way.

What to expect when God elevates you?

When God decides to elevate you, He will open doors that no man can tamper with or shut on you! And He will come and find you and lift you up. We can’t do it on our own power. It’s God who decides to elevate people (Psalm 75:7).

What was meant to destroy you God will use to elevate you?

GOD WILL USE WHAT THE ENEMY USED TO BREAK YOU TO ELEVATE YOU to increase you. Be patient and trust in God and in his timing. (Romans 8:28).

What does it mean to long for God?

To love God with your heart, to long for God, means to desire God more than other things. To hunger for him more than food. To thirst for him more than drink. God’s Word is a light to our path, showing us where we should walk (Psalm 119:105).