What does disparage mean in legal terms?

What does disparage mean in legal terms?

Legal Definition of disparagement 1 : the publication of false and injurious statements that are derogatory of another’s property, business, or product. — called also business disparagement, commercial disparagement, disparagement of property, slander of goods, trade libel. 2 : slander of title.

Is disparagingly a word?

Meaning of disparagingly in English. in a critical or unkind way that shows you do not respect someone or something: She denied they had a relationship but she never spoke disparagingly of him..

Can a person be monotonous?

Anything tedious or humdrum is probably monotonous. If someone says you’re being monotonous, try to vary your tone of voice or the things you’re talking about.

Which word is same as monotonous?

SYNONYMS FOR monotonous 1 tedious, humdrum, boring, dull.

What does bellicose mean in English?

belligerent, bellicose, pugnacious, quarrelsome, contentious mean having an aggressive or fighting attitude..

What is the definition of egregious?

1 : conspicuous especially : conspicuously bad : flagrant egregious errors egregious padding of the evidence — Christopher Hitchens. 2 archaic : distinguished.

What does bellicosity mean?

an inclination to fight or quarrel. the candidate criticized her opponent’s bellicosity as divisive.

What is an example of intercede?

The definition of intercede is to get involved in something on behalf of another person, or to speak up or act on someone’s behalf. When you get involved in an argument to stand up for a friend, this is an example of a situation where you intercede in the argument. To intercede with the authorities for the prisoner.

What does it mean that Jesus is interceding for us?

Meaning of intercession Intercession means: pleading on behalf of another person. Jesus is pleading on behalf of all those who have put their trust in him for their salvation. 1 John 2:1,- adds that “if anyone does sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous.

What is another word for intercede?

Frequently Asked Questions About intercede Some common synonyms of intercede are interfere, interpose, intervene, and mediate.

What is the antonym of intercede?

Antonyms of INTERCEDE stand back, disregard, hold off, keep away, overlook, ignore, keep out, retire, withdraw, shun, leave alone, eschew, avoid.

What is the part of speech of intercede?

part of speech: intransitive verb. inflections: intercedes, interceding, interceded.

What is the part of speech of illogical?

part of speech: adjective. definition: not logical or reasonable. To think that every animal that gives milk is a cow because all cows give milk is illogical.It would be illogical to keep the spare key to one’s car inside the car.

What does illogical mean in English?

1 : not observing the principles of logic an illogical argument. 2 : devoid of logic : senseless illogical policies.

Is illogical a real word?

adjective. not logical; contrary to or disregardful of the rules of logic; unreasoning: an illogical reply.

What means legible?

capable of being read

What is the difference between legible and readable?

What’s the Difference Between Readability and Legibility? Readability is the arrangement of fonts and words in order to make written content flow in a simple, easy to read manner. Legibility refers to how easily distinguishable the letters in a typesetting or font are from one another.

What is the root word of legible?

Legible describes readable print or handwriting. Legible goes back to the Latin word legibilis, meaning “that can be read.” If you can read someone’s handwriting, it is legible. The person might not have perfect penmanship, but if you decipher the letters, the writing is legible.

What is another word for legible?

Legible Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus….What is another word for legible?

clear neat
comprehensible decipherable
distinct intelligible
understandable accessible
apprehensible bold

What is the opposite of legible?

What is the opposite of legible?

illegible incoherent
unreadable vague
indecipherable scrawled
scribbled undecipherable
squiggly faint

What does not legible mean?

not legible; impossible or hard to read or decipher because of poor handwriting, faded print, etc.: This letter is completely illegible.

What is the antonym of discern?

Antonyms of DISCERN miss, overlook, misconceive, ignore, lump, mistake, misinterpret, disregard, overpass, misunderstand, mingle, misperceive, misconstrue, lose, doubt, mix, misread, neglect, forget, confuse, misapprehend, pass over, mix up, confound.