What does friendliness mean?

What does friendliness mean?

: the quality or state of being friendly: such as. a : disposition to goodwill, warmth, or kindness to others I love the Santa Ynez Valley.

What is the root word of friendless?

Old English freondleas “friendless,” also “orphan,” and, as a noun, “an outlaw;” see friend (n.) + -less.

What is unloved?

: not loved or cherished an unloved, abandoned dog unloved houses My job is to lighten the spirit and love the heck out of people who feel really unloved.—

What does the word alone mean?

: without anyone or anything else : not involving or including anyone or anything else : separate from other people or things. : without people that you know or that usually are with you. : feeling unhappy because of being separated from other people.

What is the meaning of solitary?

1a : being, living, or going alone or without companions. b : saddened by isolation. 2 : unfrequented, desolate a solitary seashore. 3a : taken, passed, or performed without companions a solitary ramble. b : keeping a prisoner apart from others solitary confinement.

What is solitary behavior?

The definition of solitary is someone or something that is single, lonely or alone. An example of solitary is a person living in a large house alone. An example of solitary is one bird flying in the sky. A person who lives alone; a recluse.

What is a solitary man?

If you’re a lone wolf, a one-man band, a rugged individualist, or an island unto yourself, you prefer to be solitary — in other words, alone or single. The term can be used to describe a person, a place, or a thing. Solitary comes to us from the Latin solus, which means alone.

What does scuffle mean?

intransitive verb. 1a : to struggle at close quarters with disorder and confusion. b : to struggle (as by working odd jobs) to get by.

What stunned means?

verb (used with object), stunned, stun·ning. to deprive of consciousness or strength by or as if by a blow, fall, etc.: The blow to his jaw stunned him for a moment. to astonish; astound; amaze: Her wit stunned the audience. to shock; overwhelm: The world was stunned by the attempted assassination.

What is a synonym for scuffle?

SYNONYMS. fight, struggle, tussle, brawl, fracas, rumpus, melee, free-for-all, rough and tumble, scrimmage, disturbance, brouhaha, commotion.

What is the opposite of scuffle?

Antonyms of SCUFFLE calm, truce, make peace, tranquility, harmony, agreement, peace, quiet, surrender.

What’s another word for disintegration?

In this page you can discover 32 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for disintegration, like: disintegrable, disintegrative, putrefactive, decentralization, decomposition, demoralization, dissolution, fragmentation, putrefaction, macerate and separate.

What is another word for dispatcher?

Dispatcher Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus….What is another word for dispatcher?

messenger courier
crier delegate
detachment detail
errand boy flag-bearer
forerunner gofer

What is the opposite of dispatcher?

dispatch. Antonyms: retard, detain, obstruct, impede.

What does dispatcher mean?

noun. a person who dispatches. a person who oversees the departure of trains, airplanes, buses, etc., as for a transportation company or railroad.

What is a antonym for douse?

Antonyms for douse. don, put on, slip (into), throw (on)

What is the opposite of gainful?

gainful. Antonyms: unprofitable, detrimental, injurious, disadvantageous, gainless, losing. Synonyms: profitable, beneficial, advantageous, winning.

What is the opposite of lamentation?

Opposite of an act of crying or lamentation. laughter. laughing. giggling. laugh.

What is a synonym for arithmetic?

In this page you can discover 24 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for arithmetic, like: mathematics, count, figure, arithmetical, computation, multiplication, rithmetic, number, algebraic, calculus and algebra.

What is a arithmetic?

Arithmetic is the branch of mathematics that deals with the study of numbers using various operations on them. Basic operations of math are addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. These operations are denoted by the given symbols. Addition: In other words, it is the total sum of all the numbers.

What is the opposite of arithmetic?

arithmetic progression. Antonyms: geometric. Synonyms: math, maths, mathematics.

What is arithmetic growth?

Arithmetic growth refers to the situation where a population increases by a constant number of persons (or other objects) in each period being analysed.

Who developed arithmetic?

The continuous historical development of modern arithmetic starts with the Hellenistic civilization of ancient Greece, although it originated much later than the Babylonian and Egyptian examples. Prior to the works of Euclid around 300 BC, Greek studies in mathematics overlapped with philosophical and mystical beliefs.

How do you use arithmetic in a sentence?

Arithmetic sentence example

  1. Her progress in arithmetic has been equally remarkable.
  2. It was not a special subject, like geography or arithmetic , but her way to outward things.
  3. I study about the earth, and the animals, and I like arithmetic exceedingly.

What is the difference between arithmetic and geometric?

The main difference between arithmetic and geometric sequence is that arithmetic sequence is a sequence where the difference between two consecutive terms is constant while a geometric sequence is a sequence where the ratio between two consecutive terms is constant.