What does it mean when a guy says I enjoy your company?

What does it mean when a guy says I enjoy your company?

That means that he loves being in company with you, he feel more into him while he is with you. He don’t face any kind of disturbance and he feel free talking to you. That means He likes you and loves to spend time with you.

How do you say enjoy your company?

You can say “in your company” but it is very, very formal. More common ways of saying the same thing are “I had a good time with you” or “I enjoyed our time together.”

Had a great time or had great time?

While ‘had a great time’ is grammatically correct phrase, if you add a future element to the phrase like ahead it starts acting weird. Had a great time means you already had a great time in the past. Had a great time ahead means you’re looking forward to the great time you already had? Doesn’t make sense.

How can I make her enjoy my company?

How to make your girlfriend enjoy your company

  1. Make her laugh! This trick is old school and might sound cliché but the boys take note, this one operates very well.
  2. Be Yourself.
  3. Few acts of chivalry.
  4. Listen and pay attention to her.
  5. Talk to her.
  6. Show her the Respect you have for her.
  7. Take her for shopping.
  8. Avoid pushing for something.

What does have a great time with you mean?

when someone tells you they had a great time with you that means they like you and they really did have a great time. It is also a lead into something that throws the ball in your court to see how much you like them or how much you enjoyed their company and if you want to see them again .

What is the reply to a wonderful time?

The easiest (and probably standard) responses are “Thanks, you too” or “Thank you, same to you”. More formal responses might include more detail specific to wherever they are about to go: “Thank you, you have a wonderful time at …!” I hope this helps.

Had a great time meaning?

Essentially what it means is “the events up until this point have been enjoyable” The second sentence is in past tense and implies that the events have come to an end. You say “I had a great time today” to let your friend know that the past events of the day have been enjoyable for you.

What is a fancy word for enjoy?

like, love, be fond of, be entertained by, be amused by, be pleased by, find pleasure in, take pleasure in, be keen on, delight in, appreciate, rejoice in, relish, revel in, adore, lap up, savour, luxuriate in, bask in, wallow in, glory in.

How do you describe a great time?

Here are some adjectives for good time: sinful and unrepentant, darkly dramatic, fight–social, generally royal, ostentatious and expensive, perfectly fascinating, sociable, red-carpet, rip-roaring, idyllic, rollicking, real, own, rousing, perfectly innocent, restful, middling, helluva, durn, areal, freewheeling.

How do you say enjoy the party?

Synonyms for Enjoying the party

  1. enjoy the party.
  2. enjoying your party.
  3. like the party.
  4. did you enjoy the party.
  5. enjoying yourselves.
  6. have fun at the party.
  7. just enjoy the party.
  8. you guys have fun.

How do you express fun?

English phrases for having fun

  1. Fun or Funny? Be careful with the word “funny”. It means “amusing” or “strange”.
  2. Enjoy. An alternative to saying “fun” is “enjoy”. Remember, you need an object with the verb “enjoy”:
  3. I had… “I had a great time … ( at the party)”
  4. Other expressions. to party / party hard = to enjoy yourself.
  5. Describing the evening. You can …

How do you say have a good day in different ways?

Other Ways to Say “Have a Great Day” Have an awesome day! I hope your day is great! Today will be the best! Have a splendid day!

What a nice day quotes for her?

Have a Good Day Quotes For Her

  • “The key to have the best day is wake up with positive thoughts and never think negative.
  • “It’s time to wake up, honey.
  • “Let the happiness and beauty fill the day.
  • “You can’t continue to the next chapter of your life if you keep re-reading the last one.
  • “Your smile are my energy.

What is a cute way to say good morning to a girl?

27 Super Sweet ‘Good Morning’ Texts Every Girl Deserves To Receive At Least Once

  • Good morning beautiful!
  • I love waking up and knowing I get to see you today.
  • Stay put, I’m bringing you coffee in bed today.
  • Every day I wake up thinking I’m the luckiest man ever because I have you.
  • How’s my girl feeling this morning?