What does making a fool of yourself mean?

What does making a fool of yourself mean?

: to behave in a very foolish or silly way He got drunk at the party and made a fool of himself.

What is being full of yourself?

Conceited, self-centered, as in Ever since she won the prize Mary’s been so full of herself that no one wants to talk to her. This expression uses full of in the sense of “engrossed with” or “absorbed with,” a usage dating from about 1600.

Do not fool yourself meaning?

From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English fool yourselfto try to make yourself believe something that you know is not really true It’s no good fooling yourself. He’s not coming back.

What does it mean to be made a fool of?

phrase. If you make a fool of someone, you make them seem silly by telling people about something stupid that they have done, or by tricking them. Your brother is making a fool of you.

What is another word for fool?

SYNONYMS FOR fool 1 simpleton, dolt, dunce, blockhead, numskull, ignoramus, dunderhead, ninny, nincompoop, booby, saphead, sap. 2 zany, clown. 5 moron, imbecile, idiot. 6 delude, hoodwink, cheat, gull, hoax, cozen, dupe, gudgeon.

What a fool you are turn into a sentence?

Explanation: The given statement is in exclamatory sentence. So, the given exclamatory sentence will be changed into a statement as follows. ‘You are a fool.

Who is the foolish person?

Foolish people are self-involved, overly optimistic regarding their own views, and unable to see their own vulnerabilities. They assume they already know all that needs to be known. Foolish individuals are apathetic—indifferent to outgroups, ethical concerns, and the common good. They are unimaginative and dogmatic.

What is the opposite of police?

What is the opposite of police?

criminal lawbreaker
malefactor miscreant
bandit fraudster
wrongdoer racketeer
burglar thief

What’s another word for police?

Police Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus….What is another word for police?

constabulary fuzz
bull constable
cop copper
corps detective
fed flatfoot