What has 13 hearts but no other organs?

What has 13 hearts but no other organs?

The right answer to ‘What has 13 hearts, but no other organ’ Riddle is “A Deck of Cards”.

What is it a child can make that no one can ever see?

Answer: A parachute. What is it a child can make that no one can ever see? Answer: Noise.

What can you make that no one can see not even you?

Answer. hey mate, your answer; : “Nothing” because we can make nothing but that can’nt be seen by ourselves or anyone else can see.

What is always in bed but never sleeps?

The answer to the riddle “What has a bed but never sleeps and runs but never walks?” is a river.. but could also be a truck.

What has no heart but is alive?

Answer: Zombie. No heart but still alive Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.

What has a foot but can’t walk?

Question: What has 3 feet but cannot walk? Answer: A yardstick.

What is something u will never see again?

The answer to the riddle is a Yesterday. Yesterday is something every living person has seen, but will never see again.

What has 4 legs but can’t walk answer?

The answer for What has four legs, but can’t walk? Riddle is “Table.”

What has 4 legs and a head but can’t walk?

And a head but can’t talk? A bed. The foot of the bed can’t walk and the head of the bed can’t talk.

What has a face and arms but no legs?

RIDDLE: What has a face and two hands but no arms or legs? SOLUTION: A clock!

What has four legs but is not an animal?

What has four legs, but can’t walk? A table.

What has hands and a face but can’t hold anything or smile?


What is at the end of the world riddle?

Riddle: Why can’t the world ever come to an end? Answer: Because it’s round.

What’s the definition of everything?

1a : all that exists. b : all that relates to the subject. 2 : all that is important you mean everything to me. 3 : all sorts of other things —used to indicate related but unspecified events, facts, or conditions all the pains and colds and everything— E. B. White.

What is another word for everything?

What is another word for everything?

all all that
anything whatsoever aught
any one thing anything at all
the whole the entire
the complete