What has happened to Abigail in Act 4?

What has happened to Abigail in Act 4?

In Act 4 it’s revealed that Abigail has run away and stolen money from her uncle (and so her reputation takes a hit in her absence), but since she is no longer in Salem, it doesn’t really matter for her. In Act 2, Abigail still seems to want to be with John Proctor, since she’s accused Elizabeth Proctor of witchcraft.

Who said life woman life is God’s most precious gift?

Arthur Miller

What is John’s excuse for confessing?

What is John’s excuse for confessing? John feels like he is damned no matter what. He already sinned by having an affair with Abigail, so who cares if he sins again by lying? At least he will get to have a little more life on earth.

How may I live without my name?

How may I live without my name? I have given you my soul; leave me my name! Proctor utters these lines at the end of the play, in Act IV, when he is wrestling with his conscience over whether to confess to witchcraft and thereby save himself from the gallows.

What is God’s most precious gift according to Hale?

Life, woman, life is God’s most precious gift; no principle, however glorious, may justify the taking of it. I beg you, woman, prevail upon your husband to confess. Let him give his lie.

Who says he have his goodness now God forbid I take it from him?

Who said I mean to crush him utterly if he has shown his face?

Reverend Hale

What does Elizabeth mean when she says I have sins of my own to count?

“I have sins of my own to count. Elizabeth says the sin is on her soul, not John’s. She finds consultation within herself. She finally forgives John and asks for his forgiveness.

What sin does Elizabeth say she is guilty of?


What is Mary’s motive in giving the poppet to Elizabeth?

What is Mary’s motive in giving the “poppet” to Elizabeth? She wants Elizabeth to see her as an innocent girl. She wants to make peace with Elizabeth after disobeying her. She hopes Elizabeth will pay her for the poppet.

What does Elizabeth really want to say?

Short Answer. Elizabeth initially wants John to go to Salem so he can testify that Abigail told him Betty’s illness had nothing to do with witchcraft. When Elizabeth finds out from Mary that she was accused in court, however, she decides she wants John to speak with Abigail directly.

What does Elizabeth say she is unable to do for John?

What two things does Elizabeth say she is unable to do for John? She says she can’t make the decision for him or forgive him if he can’t forgive himself. Why does Danforth want a written confession from Proctor? It will help persuade others to confess.

Does Abigail want to kill Elizabeth?

She has experienced sexual pleasure with John Proctor and now wants to kill Proctor’s wife, Elizabeth. Abigail realizes that the Puritanical society will never permit Proctor to leave his wife for her, and that he does not want to leave his wife anyway.

What do the girls do to Mary?

What do the girls do to Mary? What is her response? They pretend that her spirit is coming to get them, that she is herself doing some bewitching. Mary tells them to stop it, but when they don’t, she ends up breaking down and joining them (for her own protection).

What do the girls do to Mary at the end of Act 3?

John Proctor asked Mary to testify in court given the poppet was her innocent creation with not association to witchcraft. Mary agreed and testified, however while giving her testimony, the girls accused Mary of working for the devil and sending an evil spirit to torment them.

Why do the girls repeat Mary Warren?

Why do the girls repeat Mary’s words? The girls repeat her words because Marys “Spirit” has entered them and they have been “bewitched”, This also says that the trial can easily be faked.

Who is taken to jail at the end of act three?

The Crucible Final

Question Answer
What does John tell the court about his wife That she will not lie.
How do the girls in the room terrorize Mary Warren They repeat everything she says.
Who is taken to jail at the end of Act III Giles Corey and John Proctor.

Who dies in the crucible Act 4?

Everyone leaves the room to allow Elizabeth and Proctor privacy. Elizabeth tells Proctor that almost one hundred people have confessed to witchcraft. She relates that Giles was killed by being pressed to death by large stones, though he never pleaded guilty or not guilty to the charges against him.

Who has the most power in the crucible Act 3?


Who holds the most power in the crucible?

Abigail Williams

Who has the most power in the crucible Act 4?

What is ironic about Elizabeth’s lie?

Dramatic Irony: Elizabeth denies that her husband committed adultery to try to protect him but she doesn’t know that he already confessed to it. Then she is taken away because she lied in court and John tells her he had already confessed as she is being taken out. This is ironic because he had an affair with Abigail.

Why does Elizabeth Lie What is ironic about Elizabeth’s lie?

Why is it ironic that Elizabeth lied to the court about her husband’s adultery? Because John had already confessed and he said that she had never lied. It also could have ended all of the trials is she had told the truth.

Why does Miller use irony?

Miller employs dramatic irony, situational irony, and hyperbole to exemplify the danger that can occur if unjust accusations continue, thus making the audience see the parallels in their own lives. Arthur Miller uses dramatic irony in The Crucible to show/demonstrate the damage that the accusations can do.

What do Abby and the girls do when Mary Warren is trying to get them to confess to pretending?

Abigail turns the court against Mary Warren in The Crucible by pretending that Mary’s spirit is preparing to attack her from the rafters. Abigail pretends to see Mary’s spirit in the form of a menacing bird, and the girls follow her lead.

What does Abigail say is a deadly sin?

In The Crucible, Abigail Williams fits most with the first deadly sin, anger. Abigail is angry throughout the book because she wants Elizabeth Proctor’s husband, John. While dancing in the woods, Abigail “… drank a charm to kill John Proctor’s wife.