What is a synonym for busy?

What is a synonym for busy?

Some common synonyms of busy are assiduous, diligent, industrious, and sedulous. While all these words mean “actively engaged or occupied,” busy chiefly stresses activity as opposed to idleness or leisure.

What do you call a busy man?

What is another word for busy person?

dynamo fireball
mover and shaker busy bee
active person powerhouse
hustler workhorse
sharpy self-starter

What is opposite word of busy?

Antonyms: slothful, idle, unoccupied, work-shy, plain, inactive, not intrusive, unengaged, otiose, lackadaisical, bone-idle, indolent, faineant, lazy, bone-lazy, unintrusive, leisured. busy, occupy(verb)

How do you describe being too busy?

“Hectic” means to be very busy and full of activity. We also use the word “hectic” to talk about our day. Yesterday was hectic. Today is so hectic.

How do you respond to someone who is always busy?

Vote for the best comeback when someone says I’m too busy to see you

  1. You’ll always have time for the things you put first.
  2. Let me know when you’re available so I can make sure I’m busy.
  3. No calls I understand. No texts I understand.
  4. No matter how busy someone is, if they really care, they will always find time for you.

How do you say sorry im busy?

Sorry i was busy and couldn’t get your message back or Sorry i’ve been busy an. Both are fine. Though, in this case, “return your message” is better than “get back your message.” You can say “Sorry, I’ve been busy and couldn’t return your message.” Or you can say “Sorry, I was busy and couldn’t return your message.”

How do you politely tell someone you are busy?

Effective alternatives to ‘I’m so busy’

  1. Tell them what you’re up to. Let the other person know what you have going on.
  2. Take a rain check. This method is especially effective when you’re declining an invitation from a superior.
  3. Be honest, lend a hand.
  4. Just say yes.

Is being busy an excuse?

We all know what “I’m too busy” really means. It’s our most popular, socially acceptable catch-all excuse for getting out of just about any situation.

Can you be too busy?

No Such Thing as ‘Too Busy’ But the truth is, there’s no such thing as “too busy.” If you’re telling someone else you’re “too busy” to be involved in their thing, all you’re saying to them is that you don’t see it as important enough to bother with.

Why is everybody so busy?

Busy is about time We feel harried and overwhelmed for much of our waking moments. However, in a world of infinite demand, the more we manage our time, the more we can cram into our days. The focus on managing our time has three effects: we get more efficient, and so we do more things, and so we get busier.

Why is modern life so busy?

Life gets extremely busy if we are constantly trying to live up to external expectations of ourselves. The pressure to keep up, to be everywhere and do everything is pretty constant. And in our modern world these expectations are so readily accessible.

How can I be happy in busy life?

10 Happiness Tips for Busy People: How to Reclaim Your Joy

  1. Assess just how busy you’re willing to be.
  2. Consider whether your schedule conflicts with your priorities.
  3. Be sure your goals align with your values.
  4. Find joy in the way things are.
  5. Make time for relationships.
  6. Allow yourself completely disconnected time.
  7. Say no liberally.
  8. Prioritize rest.

What is the meaning of are you busy?

1 adj When you are busy, you are working hard or concentrating on a task, so that you are not free to do anything else.

What keeps you busy meaning?

“What’s keeping you busy these days?” is a question that you ask someone you already know; this person is more invested in what’s occupying your time or curious about what you’re passionate about. But talking about it is pretty boring and doesn’t encourage the other person to continue the conversation with you.

Are you busy reply?

  • So what’s the question here? –
  • If you are busy, say “Yes”.
  • I’m a guy who always finds time for others and answers like you.
  • “Yes, quite busy, but I’d be more than happy to help.
  • The question “Are you busy” in English means “Are you available to talk to me at the moment, or are you too busy to talk to me?”

Are you busy or you are busy?

Answer: Are you busy is the correct formation. Explanation: Busy word is used in situations where we are preoccupied with something or the other. So, when someone wants to ask you about being preoccupied with some work then most probably he or she will use the sentence “are you busy?” to confirm if you’re free or not.

How do you ask if someone is busy?

Here are 8 tips for contacting a busy person:

  • Try to Connect Before You Ask for Anything.
  • Keep Your Communications Brief.
  • Do Your Research First and Ask Specific Questions.
  • Make Your Pitch Something to Which They Can Say Yes or No.
  • Show Up in Person.
  • Keep Bringing Value.
  • Assert Yourself.
  • Follow Up (Within Reason)

Are you up mean?

It means “are you still awake?” and this is the only meaning I know. It can also be used like this: What are you doing up so late? Are you up yet?

Are you up to for?

“Are you up to that?” is a question about your ability. “Are you up for that?” is a way of asking if you feel like doing it.

Are you down for that meaning?

Are you down for is the slang formulation of the same thing. It is used by the young in order to be different from their parents. “Are you up for?” means “Do you agree to do this?” and “Are you down for?” means “Is your name on a list for….?”