What is an example of repeal?

What is an example of repeal?

The definition of a repeal is the act of taking something back. An example of a repeal is the process of cancelling a law. To repeal is defined as to formally withdraw, or to take something back. An example of to repeal is to reverse a law.

What’s the opposite of repeal?

What is the opposite of repeal?

enact ratify
legalizeUS permit
sanction support
uphold endorse
authoriseUK authorizeUS

What’s another word for waterlogged?

What is another word for waterlogged?

wet soaked
drenched sodden
soggy watery
dank dripping
saturated sopping

What is the opposite of soggy?

What is the opposite of soggy?

dehydrated dry
dusty unjuicy
hardened solid
burned sunny
cold barren

What is the opposite of employ?

Opposite of to exert or put to use. misuse. misapply. misemploy. mismanage.

What is another word for employs?

In this page you can discover 63 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for employ, like: take on, exercise, lay off, engage, hire, manipulate, contract, apply, bestow, involve and occupy.

What’s the opposite of experience?

What is the opposite of experience?

inexperience unfamiliarity
naiveté greenness
guilelessness incapability
inefficience naivete
naivety unawareness

What is the opposite of artificial?

artificial. Antonyms: natural, inartificial, genuine, spontaneous, transparent, artless, unaffected. Synonyms: invented, fabricated, fictitious, constructed, manufactured, pretended, simulated, false, assumed, concocted, contrived, deceptive, artful, affected, unnatural, constrained.

Does artificial mean fake?

Sometimes, artificial is used in a more negative way to describe something as fake or imitation, as in Something about this tastes artificial. This sense of the word is sometimes used figuratively to describe something as being faked, phony, or contrived—the opposite of real or genuine, as in an artificial smile.

What is another word for artificial?

Artificial Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus….What is another word for artificial?

fake false
bogus mock
sham imitation
simulated counterfeit
spurious synthetic

What is the opposite of weaker?

What is the opposite of weaker?

securer powerfuller
safer stronger
supremer robuster
more impregnable more impassable
more indomitable more insurmountable

What do you call a weak person?

Some common synonyms of weak are decrepit, feeble, fragile, frail, and infirm.

What is another word for weaker?

What is another word for weak?

frail feeble
weakling debilitated
infirm weakened
faint soft
enervated sapped

What is a antonym for weak?

weak(adjective) Antonyms: powerful, strong, healthy, robust, potent. Synonyms: feeble, powerless, watery, frail, dilute.

What is the opposite of sickly?

What is the opposite of sickly?

healthy well
hearty nice
sound strong
wholesome healthful
whole hale

What is another word for sickly?

SYNONYMS FOR sickly 1 frail, weak, puny, sick, feeble, infirm.

What’s the opposite of thick?

What is the opposite of thick?

thin slender
narrow skinny
slim fine
hairline paper-thin
slim-jim slight

What is the opposite of dark?

(of the day or weather) Opposite of having a lack of light. sunny. cloudless. sunlit.

What is opposite word of beautiful?

Opposite of being physically attractive. ugly. hideous. grotesque. repulsive.

What word means darkness?

‘Stygian,’ ‘Umbra,’ and Other Darkness Words

  • Stygian. Definition: extremely dark, gloomy, or forbidding.
  • Umbra. The Latin word for shade or shadow is umbra, a word that has spread its shadow over a wide range of words in English.
  • Crepuscule.
  • Tenebrous.
  • Gloaming.
  • Somber.
  • Caliginous.
  • Photophobic.

What is the opposite of old?

Antonym of Old

Word Antonym
Old Young, Modern
Get definition and list of more Antonym and Synonym in English Grammar.

What’s a nice way to say old?

What is another word for old?

elderly mature
ancient decrepit
doddering doddery
ripe senescent
senile superannuated

What’s a another word for old?

Some common synonyms of old are ancient, antiquated, antique, archaic, obsolete, and venerable.

Which word means too old?

other words for very old age-old. antiquated. timeworn. aged. antique.