What is another word for indifference?

What is another word for indifference?

Indifference Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus….What is another word for indifference?

detachment aloofness
apathy coldness
coolness disregard
insouciance callousness
impassiveness impassivity

What is another word for indifferent?

Some common synonyms of indifferent are aloof, detached, disinterested, incurious, and unconcerned. While all these words mean “not showing or feeling interest,” indifferent implies neutrality of attitude from lack of inclination, preference, or prejudice.

Does indifferent mean the same?

Indifferent may mean “unbiased,” “apathetic,” “mediocre,” “unimportant,” and several other things. Some of these senses are distinguished by the words commonly used with them; the “apathetic” sense, for instance, is typically followed by the preposition to.

What do you call someone who acts like they don’t care?

without interest or concern; not caring; apathetic: his indifferent attitude toward the suffering of others.

What can I say instead of I don’t care?

7 Ways to Say You Do Not Care

  • I don’t care. This is the most basic expression.
  • I don’t care at all. We use “at all” to emphasize that we do not care.
  • I couldn’t care less. This expression shows that we care 0%.
  • It doesn’t matter to me.
  • So what?
  • I don’t give a crap.
  • I don’t give a damn.

What’s a word to describe someone who doesn’t care?

What does apathetic mean? Apathetic means uncaring. It’s an adjective form of apathy—the state of not caring.

What is it called when you don’t care about other people’s feelings?

ap·a·thet·ic ˌapəˈTHedik/ adjective adjective: apathetic showing or feeling no interest, enthusiasm, or concern. ” apathetic slackers who don’t vote” synonyms: uninterested, indifferent, unconcerned, unmoved, uninvolved, disinterested, unemotional, emotionless, dispassionate, lukewarm, unmotivated, halfhearted.

Is being inconsiderate disrespectful?

inconsiderate Add to list Share. Inconsiderate behavior is rude: it doesn’t take into consideration the feelings of other people. When you’re considerate, you’re polite and thoughtful. Most inconsiderate behavior is also selfish.

What makes someone inconsiderate?

Being inconsiderate can be defined as careless of the rights or feelings of others. Inconsiderate people may also act without respect for the rights or feelings of others and being thoughtless towards others. Those who possess these traits are often referred to as inconsiderate people.

What is a selfish love?

It can also destroy your relationship. Selfish love is common. Selfish love exists when one or both partner’s dominant concern is on what they “get” from their partner and the relationship. But when a person’s behavior to “get what they want” becomes manipulative, demanding, or coercive they are being selfish.

What is the root of selfishness?

Psychology. Lack of empathy has been seen as one of the roots of selfishness, extending as far as the cold manipulation of the psychopath.

Is it wrong to be selfish?

Don’t neglect yourself and your health to avoid feeling selfish. Selfishness doesn’t have to be a bad thing. It can be good to be a little selfish to take care of your emotional, mental, and physical well-being. Many people who focus entirely on give, give, give end up overwhelmed, fatigued, and stressed.

How do you deal with a selfish man in a relationship?

Below are 11 ways to deal with a selfish partner.

  1. Give Yourself The Attention You Were Giving Them. jessannkirby.
  2. Speak Up. Instagram.
  3. Lay Out The Benefits Of Changing. rantiinreview.
  4. Understand Why It’s Happening.
  5. Establish Turn-Taking.
  6. Reconnect With Your Value.
  7. Bring Up Past Successes.
  8. Determine What You Can Deal With.

What causes a man to be selfish?

Selfishness and losing control Another reason why people are selfish is that they have a fear of losing control. If someone has many needs and goals, then they overvalue their resources because they think that these resources are going to help them reach their goals.

Can a bad relationship change your personality?

This is totally normal and nothing to make a fuss about. However, sometimes when people are in unhealthy relationships, it can have a more concerning impact on their temperament. Your “personality might negatively change when [you’re] dating a person who is controlling, very jealous, or abusive,” Cooper explains.