What is difference between mine and my?

What is difference between mine and my?

3) My is used to mostly refer to humans, while mine is used for things.

When to use me in a sentence?

“I” should be used because it’s the correct choice when it comes to subjects. It can also be helpful to consider the position of the word in the sentence. “I” is used before the verb, while “me” is almost always used after the verb (the exception being the predicate nominative).

When should you say yourself?

“Myself” is a reflexive pronoun used when you are the object of your own action – i.e., when “you” are doing something to “you.” (Ex: I could write the songs myself, but they sound better when they are written by Barry Manilow and me.) Other reflexive pronouns are herself, himself, yourself, itself and themselves.

Is it correct to say me and my friend?

5 Answers. The difference between “I and my friends” and “my friends and I” is purely a matter of courtesy – they are both grammatically correct.

Do you say you and your family or your family and you?

Which is correct, “you and your family IS,” or “you and your family ARE”? Ask The Editor | Learner’s Dictionary. You should use are because “you and your family” is a plural subject. When the subject of a sentence has two parts joined by “and” it makes the subject plural, so you should use a plural verb.

Is it me and my husband or my husband?

If it is a subject of a sentence, “my husband and I” should be used. “My husband and I went to the store.” If it is an objective clause, “my husband and me” is used. For this to be correct, it must be the object of a preposition, such as, “They gave the gift to my husband and me.”

Is it me and my partner or my partner and I?

“I” is a subject pronoun, so use “My partner and I” as the subject of a sentence. “Me” is an object pronoun, so use “My partner and me” as the object of a sentence.

Do you say my brother and I or my brother and me?

The rule of thumb is this — when you would normally say “I” if you were talking about yourself, you would instead say “my brother and I,” but when you would normally say “me” if you were talking about yourself, you would instead say “my brother and me.”

Where do u see urself after 5 years?

Be sure to keep your answer for the “where do you see yourself in 5 years” interview question brief and general. Talk about how you want to develop yourself as a professional in the context of the position. For example, you want to learn an extra, relevant skill that will compliment your role.

How do I see myself important?

No matter what you tell them, they don’t believe it about themselves so they go about their life believing they are not those things while everyone around them is baffled by the obvious. How you see yourself is more important than how others see you and it will determine your outcomes long before you even get to them.