What is Stewies accent?

What is Stewies accent?

In the season 16 episode “Send in Stewie, Please”, it is revealed that Stewie’s English accent is fake and that he actually has an American Boston accent, although the follow up joke that has him speak in numerous other voices (of Seth MacFarlane’s other characters) suggest it was a mere gag.

How old is Stewie now?

Officially he is still a one year old but unofficially he’s 2 since he’s been seen celebrating two birthdays, it could even be suggested he’s actually 3 since he’s attending pre-school which is typically the age children begin but some do start at 2.

Is Meg a boy or a girl?

Meg Griffin
Full name Megan Griffin
Gender Female
Occupation High school student Sleeper agent
Family Peter Griffin (father) Lois Griffin (mother) Chris Griffin (brother) Stewie Griffin (brother)

Is Lois older than Clark?

TIL Lois is 8 years older than Clark.

Is Superwoman Superman’s wife?

When Superman died, Lana Lang and Lois Lane both absorbed energy released from his body and the two women developed superhuman powers. Both Lana and Lois became Superwoman. After Lois’ death, Lana became the sole Superwoman.

What color is Lois Lane’s hair?

black Hair

What is Lois Lane’s job?


Does Superman marry Lois?

Clark and Lois finally get married in the episode “Swear to God, This Time We’re Not Kidding.” Their marriage on the television series was timed to coincide with the release of the comic book special Superman: The Wedding Album, which depicts the couple’s wedding in DC Comics.

Does Lois Lane die in Smallville?

In Smallville, Lois comes to town to investigate the apparent death of her cousin Chloe Sullivan at the start of the fourth season. After finding Chloe still alive, Lois is forced to enroll in Smallville High to complete the remaining credits of high school she failed to achieve….Lois Lane (Smallville)

Lois Lane
Affiliations Daily Planet

Who does Clark marry in Smallville?

Lois Lane’s

Who does Clark love more Lana or Lois?

Why they did that, I’ll never understand, because in the Superman mythos, Lana was always his childhood crush whereas Lois was always going to be his endgame. Nevertheless, in spite of the bad writing, it wasn’t as blatant, but he definitely loved Lois more than Lana.

How did Chloe Sullivan died in Smallville?

Chloe was pronounced dead by the doctors who tried to saved her and later was sent to the morgue were she resurrected thanks to her powers and was rescued by Clark. Chloe died after using her powers to heal Lex. She was dead for 18 hours, before coming back to life through her meteor power.