What is the meaning of disposed?

What is the meaning of disposed?

1 : to settle a matter finally. 2 obsolete : to come to terms. dispose of. 1a(1) : to get rid of how to dispose of toxic waste. (2) : to deal with conclusively disposed of the matter efficiently..

What does it mean when a person is disposed?

The definition of disposed is someone with the tendency to do something or act in a certain way. An example of disposed is a person who is usually late to events; they are disposed to being late. adjective.

What is a synonym for disposed?

other words for disposed of destroy. discard. dump. eliminate. get rid of.

What does disposed mean in a divorce case?

the divorce has been finalized

What does not disposed mean in legal terms?

Not disposed is a term having varied meanings depending on the context it is used. ‘Not disposed’ generally means not settled or that the matter is not decided. Not disposed in the context of litigation could mean there have not been a final determination of a case or issue by the court.

What does disposed by default mean?

“Disposed by default” means that judgment was entered for the plaintiff because you did not show up. Default judgments are overturned every day when one shows they were never properly served, had no notice of the proceedings.

What does reopen disposed mean?

So, when a case has been disposed after a trial has taken place and a verdict rendered, the exact same case cannot be reopened, or the same charges filed a second time.

Can a case be withdrawn?

Sections 321 of the Criminal Procedure Code (Cr. P.C.) allows the Public Prosecutor or Assistant Public Prosecutor in charge of a case, with the consent of the court, withdraw from the prosecution of any person, at any time before the judgment is pronounced.

Can judge dismiss charges?

The good news is that, yes, sometimes a judge may dismiss criminal charges. However, it takes an excellent attorney to argue your case. It is not a chance that you should take alone in court. A criminal defense lawyer will start working well before your court date to put together a case on your behalf.

What are dismissed charges?

A dismissed criminal case is one in which you were not convicted. When a criminal charge is dismissed, you are not guilty and the case is concluded.

What happens when you accept a plea bargain?

In the process of accepting a plea bargain, your attorney will work out the terms of the plea bargain with the prosecution. After accepting the plea bargain, the judge will review the terms of the deal. In many cases, the judge will accept the sentencing suggestions laid out in the agreement.

When can a judge reject plea bargain?

A Judge can reject a plea bargain if he or she believes it is inequitable.