What morbid means?

What morbid means?

2 : abnormally susceptible to or characterized by gloomy or unwholesome feelings. 3 : grisly, gruesome morbid details morbid curiosity.

How do you use morbid in a sentence?

Morbid sentence example. He’d always had a morbid sense of humor, like hers. It was evident that the more lifeless he seemed at ordinary times, the more impassioned he became in these moments of almost morbid irritation. His early studies were directed chiefly to morbid anatomy.

Does morbid mean death?

Morbid is a word used to describe anyone who spends too much time thinking about death or disease.

Is morbid a mood?

gloomy, brooding, pessimistic, melancholy, sombre, grim, glum, lugubrious, funereal, low-spirited He was in no mood for any morbid introspection. 3. diseased, sick, infected, deadly, ailing, unhealthy, malignant, sickly, pathological, unsound Uraemia is a morbid condition.

What is a morbid condition?

An illness or morbid condition may be defined as a departure, subjective or objective, from a state of physical or mental well-being, as a result of either disease or injury.

What is a morbid process?

pertaining to, affected with, or inducing disease; diseased. 2. unhealthy; unwholesome. 3. characterized by preoccupation with gloomy or unwholesome feelings or thoughts.

What is morbid fear?

Psychologically unhealthy or unwholesome. A morbid fear of heights.

What does Biggety mean?

1 Southern US and Midland US : conceited, vain. 2 Southern US and Midland US : rudely self-important : impudent never acted biggety in court, but she would bow her head only so low— Claude Brown.

What does malevolent force mean?

adj. 1 wishing or appearing to wish evil to others; malicious. 2 (Astrology) having an evil influence. (C16: from Latin malevolens, from male ill + volens, present participle of velle to wish)

What does malevolent spirit mean?

The Malevolent Spirit is usually the spirit or soul of an evil person who wanted to harm a person that is weak or wants revenge on the living. To get rid of a Malevolent Spirit, usually a person or group has to perform an exorcism to drive the evil spirits away, a similar way to get rid of demons.

What’s the difference between benevolent and malevolent?

Malevolent comes from the Latin word malevolens, which means “ill-disposed, spiteful”; its opposite is benevolent, which means “wishing good things for others.” A malevolent person might display satisfaction at someone else’s problems.

What is another word for malevolence?

Some common synonyms of malevolence are grudge, ill will, malice, malignity, spite, and spleen.

Is Malintent a word?

Although technically not a real word, I think the meaning of ‘malintent’ is pretty clear. ‘Mal’ is a prefix that means bad or wrongful, as in malevolent; thus malintent means having harmful or malicious intent.

What’s a better word for evil?

SYNONYMS FOR evil 1 sinful, iniquitous, depraved, vicious, corrupt, base, vile, nefarious. 2 pernicious, destructive. 6 wickedness, depravity, iniquity, unrighteousness, corruption, baseness. 9 disaster, calamity, woe, misery, suffering, sorrow.

What do you call someone with bad intentions?

Noun. Wicked intention. evil intention. malevolent intent.