What must a commander consider prior to separating a soldier?

What must a commander consider prior to separating a soldier?

Command Requirements Before Separation: Before initiating separation under Chapter 5, the commander must insure that the Soldier has had adequate counseling and was given an adequate opportunity for rehabilitation.

What does separation code KFS mean?

Good of the Service

Is Chapter 18 an honorable discharge?

Soldiers separated under Chapter 18 must receive an honorable discharge. (Soldiers with less than 180 days active duty may receive an entry level status discharge, which is uncharacterized.)

What happens if I fail height and weight?

In most cases, failure to pass the Army’s minimum weight or body fat percentage standards will make you ineligible for promotion, transfer, reenlistment or opportunities to attend professional schools. View the current AWCP height for weight chart.

How long does an admin separation take?

From start to finish, the process usually takes at least 2 months and can take over a year to complete.

Can soldiers PCS while flagged?

Flags for APFT or ht/wt are transferrable. A Flag for the Army Body Composition is a transferable flag and a Soldier can PCS.

Can you use TA If your flagged?

Soldiers who have been flagged for adverse action or failure of the Army physical fitness test or weight standards will not be able to use TA, she continued.

Can a commander deny convalescent leave?

Convalescent leave is a non-chargeable absence from duty granted to expedite a Soldier’s return to full duty after illness, injury, or childbirth. Unit commanders may approve requests for up to 30 days, but requests which exceed this, or are in addition to this, require approval at a higher level.

Is vacation leave a right or privilege?

Vacation – This benefit is not required under current law although any vacation must be accrued and paid out to the employee upon separation from the company. Sick Pay – Again, by law, this is not required. As you can see, most employee benefits are in fact a privilege and not a right.