What should I say instead of need?

What should I say instead of need?

  • condition,
  • demand,
  • essential,
  • must,
  • must-have,
  • necessary,
  • necessity,
  • needful,

Is needed or was needed?

In spoken language we might hear “need”. However, “needed – past form” is correct because it follows the first verb “knew”, which is the past. We can say the past “needed” is correct.

Has to have to use?

have to, has to in the Simple Present

Pronouns Affirmative sentences Negative sentences
I, we, you, they I have to get up early. I do not have to get up early.
he, she, it She has to get up early. She does not have to get up early.

Is much needed meaning?

(a) much-needed (report): (a report) which is highly necessary.

Is much needed correct?

Use the phrase as an adjective, and hyphenation is preferred. Use “needed” as an appositive (subjective complement) with “much” as a modifier, and it works with or without the hyphen. “This is a much-needed change.” “The adjustment in my annuity was much needed, given my restrained circumstances.”

What’s another word for much needed?

What is another word for much needed?

vital critical
necessary crucial
imperative indispensable
important needed
required requisite

What means badly needed?

Badly needed means ‘much’ or ‘very much’. If we ‘badly need’ something, it means that we need something ‘very much’.

Is so badly correct grammar?

There’s no subtle grammatical point, here. The verb, want, is being modified, so you need an adverb (“badly”). The reason you hear “I want it so bad” is just because a lot of people often use adjectives where they should use adverbs.

What is the means of bad?

1 : something that is bad There’s more good than bad in him. Take the good with the bad. 2 : an evil or unhappy state Things went from bad to worse. 3 : fault sense 2 the mistake was my bad.

What’s another word for badly?

What is another word for badly?

poorly inadequately
faultily imperfectly
dreadfully appallingly
atrociously awfully
deplorably terribly

How do you say badly nicely?

100 Ways to Say “Bad”

  1. abject.
  2. abominable.
  3. annoying.
  4. appalling.
  5. atrocious.
  6. awful.
  7. barbaric.
  8. base.

What is a synonym for really?

truly, actually, rightfully, real, unfeignedly, sincerely, in truth, very, rattling, genuinely. very, really, real, rattling(adverb) used as intensifiers; `real’ is sometimes used informally for `really’; `rattling’ is informal.

Is badly a proper word?

The word bad is an adjective and should be used to modify nouns and pronouns. Badly, like most words ending in -ly, is an adverb and is used to modify verbs. The thing that trips most people up is that linking verbs such as to be and to feel take adjectives rather than adverbs.

Is it grammatically correct to feel good?

So just as it’s totally fine to say “I feel bad,” it is also fine to say “I feel good.” Unless, of course, you are using feel as an action verb, rather than a linking one, with the meaning of “to handle or touch in order to examine, test, or explore some quality.” If this is the case you should either rephrase your …

Are good or are well?

The rule of thumb is that good is an adjective and well is an adverb. Good modifies a noun; something can be or seem good. All you need to remember when you are pondering whether good or well is best for your sentence is that good modifies a person, place, or thing, whereas well modifies an action.

What is difference between Will and well?

As verbs the difference between will and well is that will is (archaic) to wish, desire or will can be (rare|transitive) to wish, desire (something) while well is to issue forth, as water from the earth; to flow; to spring.

Are you doing well meaning?

Hope you are doing well means your health is good and you are good at studies or business or job WHATEVER | Milan refers to overall peace in ones life. It’s just them saying that they hope that you are in good health and everything is going well for you.

Are you doing well reply?

Reply to “I hope you are well”? [closed]

  • I am very well, thanks. How are you?
  • I am very well, thanks, and hope you are as well.
  • I am very well, thanks. I hope it is the same with you too.
  • (Ignore it completely.)

How are you doing reply?

If someone asks “How are you doing?,” grammatically you should answer “Well.” This says “I’m doing well.” Since “doing” is an action verb, we need to use the adverb “well” to describe that action.

How are you doing sentence?

Example Sentences How you doing is simply a shortened way to ask someone how are you doing? When someone asks me how you doing, I often think if I should reply with the truth or respond with something generic. Hi Bob, how you doing? How you doing, Mr West?

How are you doing correct?

If you say “How are you doing?”, this is a complete sentence and you are asking someone something about themselves. It has to be part of a larger sentence. For example, “How you are doing that thing isn’t correct” or “ If you carry on doing it how you are doing it, you may get a surprise.” it isnt a question.

How are you doing vs How are you?

It is generally considered that ‘how are you’ is a more formal and reserved greeting than ‘how are you doing. ‘ ‘How are you doing’ is mainly used more in a more laid-back setting with people who are familiar to the speaker. ‘How are you’ is generally asked while referring to one’s health or feelings.