What should you not say to someone with Aspergers?

What should you not say to someone with Aspergers?

5 things to NEVER say to someone with Autism:

  • “Don’t worry, everyone’s a little Autistic.” No.
  • “You must be like Rainman or something.” Here we go again… not everyone on the spectrum is a genius.
  • “Do you take medication for that?” This breaks my heart every time I hear it.
  • “I have social issues too.
  • “You seem so normal!

How do you calm someone with Aspergers?

Low: Use a low, quiet voice to speak to your child. Slow: Their language processing is generally slower than ours (especially after a meltdown) so speak few words and each word slowly. Offer choices: In your quiet, slow speech, give them a couple of choices that they can choose to do now to feel better.

How do you talk to someone with Asperger’s?

Asperger Tips: Think positive, don’t take immediate offence at misaligned words, body language or tone of voice. Check and ask what is meant by the other person in order to maintain clear communication. Don’t think the worst, don’t mistake frustration or anxiety in others for them being angry with you.

What are the traits of Aspergers in adults?

Emotional and behavioral symptoms

  • Repetitive behaviors. Engaging in repetitive behavior is a common symptom of ASD.
  • Inability to understand emotional issues.
  • First-person focus.
  • Exaggerated emotional response.
  • Abnormal response to sensory stimuli.

Can a person with Asperger’s Fall in Love?

Despite the problems in relationship skills experienced by many people with Asperger’s syndrome, some adults can progress along the relationship continuum and are able to experience romantic and subsequently intimate personal relationships, even becoming a lifelong partner.

Can someone with Aspergers be social?

Social interaction Many people with Asperger’s want to be sociable but have difficulty with initiating and sustaining social relationships, which can make them very anxious. People with the condition may: struggle to make and maintain friendships.

Can you have autism and be very social?

Most children with autism are very keen to have friends and interact socially, but often have difficulties knowing how to make, and keep, friends. Social graces don’t come naturally to people with autism, so they often need to be explicitly taught the hidden social rules.

What is the life expectancy of a person with Asperger’s?

What the researchers also discovered was that average life expectancy for the general population was about 70 years old. In the ASD group, the average age was about 54. Perhaps more startling, people with ASD that also had cognitive disabilities had an average life expectancy just under 40 years old.