What to ask when playing 21 questions?

What to ask when playing 21 questions?

Good Questions for 21 Questions Game

  • If you had a time machine, would you go back in time or visit the future?
  • Would you rather have a home on the beach or in the mountains?
  • What was your favorite game as a child?
  • What food do you crave most often?
  • If you could visit one place on Earth where would you go?

How do you reply to never have I ever?

“Never Have I Ever”, also known as “I’ve Never…” or “Ten Fingers”, is a drinking game in which players take turns asking other players about things they have not done. Other players who have done this thing respond by taking a drink.

What does never ever mean?

informal. —used especially in speech as a more forceful way to say “never” He never ever wanted to grow up. I promise to never ever do it again.

What does Never have I ever mean?

Never have I ever… means that you have never done something. The use of this phrase is really popular as a drinking (alcohol) game. People go around saying things they have never done and if someone has done what that person has not done, then the person that has done the task has to drink.

Is Never have I ever grammatically correct?

The tense in Never have I ever is one called present perfect, and it is useful to know since it can often be confused with past simple. For example, should you say “I’ve gone to class drunk” or “I went to class drunk”. The correct option depends on when the action finished.

Can you play Never have I ever over text?

Never Have I Ever It usually involves several players and drinking copious amounts of alcohol, but you can just as easily play it sober with two people via text.

Which tense is used with Never?

Present Perfect Tense

What is the meaning of have ever?

I have ever had” is present perfect and so it’s explicit that “ever” means up to the time of speaking. “… I ever had” is past tense, and so “ever” probably means up until whatever point reached in the story you were telling. However if you wanted to make that explicit you would use past perfect: “… I had ever had.”

Could ever had or have?

“could” is a modal verb, and it requires a short infinitive after it. So it is correct to say: You are the best mom anyone could ever have.

What is the meaning of have never had?

“I never had coffee” is past tense meaning that you’ve never had coffee before in your life. For past perfect tense, you’d say “I have never had coffee”, essentially the same meaning.

What does never been so good mean?

(one) (has) never had it so good One has never before had so much success, prosperity, or good fortune. It’s been a bit of an adjustment having to start work so early, but in all honesty I never had it so good, so I don’t mind too much.

What’s the difference between never and ever?

Ever means ‘at any time’. Never means ‘at no time’ or ‘not at any time’. We often use ‘ever’ and ‘never’ with the present perfect, but they can also be used with other verb tenses.

What is the word never?

At no time. “I finally finished, and I never want to do that again.” Negative particle (used to negate verbs in the simple past tense; also used absolutely). “The police say I stole the car, but I never did it.”

What are negative English words?

Negative words:

  • No.
  • Not.
  • None.
  • No one.
  • Nobody.
  • Nothing.
  • Neither.
  • Nowhere.

Will never or never will?

Senior Member. The ordering “will never” is more common before the verb and “never will” is more common by itself, with the verb elided.

Will have never been?

As user FumbleFingers pointed out, “will never have been” is standard English: you can find it in many books over the centuries. Roughly, it indicates talking about the past at some future time. More precisely, “there will never have been X” means that at some future time, it will be true that “there has never been X”.

How do you use never in a sentence?

Never sentence example

  1. I’ve never thought about it before.
  2. They had never been anywhere else overnight together.
  3. I never saw such small pigs before.
  4. He might never say anything to Jonathan about it, but Jonathan would know in other ways how he felt.
  5. I’ve never heard him.
  6. Still, as a child she had never thought about it.

Can you start a sentence with Never?

When a sentence begins with a negative adverbial like never, rarely or seldom, the auxiliary verb comes before the subject. Note that these time expressions are normally used with a perfect verb form or modal auxiliary verbs. Comparative forms are also common. Never have I seen anything stranger.

Is there a comma after but?

You should always use a comma before but when joining two independent clauses. A comma after but is only necessary if you’re using it as literary device to draw attention to something.

How do you start sentences?

Creative Sentence Structures

  1. Begin with a verb ending with -ing.
  2. Begin with a verb ending with -ed.
  3. Begin with a prepositional phrase.
  4. Begin with an adverb.
  5. Begin with an adjective.
  6. Begin with a phrase that tells when.
  7. Begin with a phrase that tells where.
  8. Begin with a sound word.

How do we use but?

But can be used in the following ways:

  1. As a conjunction (connecting two phrases or clauses): She’s 83 but she still goes swimming every day.
  2. As a preposition (followed by a noun): There’s been nothing but trouble since he came.
  3. As an adverb: We can but hope that things will improve.

What is butt?

Your butt is your buttocks, your tush, your rear end. It also has plenty of other meanings, like butting into a conversation (interrupting it) or the butt of a gun (the thick end). If you make fun of someone, they are the butt of your jokes. The used end of a cigarette is called a butt, too.