What to say to a friend who is getting divorced?

What to say to a friend who is getting divorced?

Tell your friend that they are loved. Or if they understand love better through a different way, then do the things that make them feel loved. Ask if they need a hug. Ask if they want to go watch the new summer blockbuster, Oscar nominee, or new episode of their current favorite show.

What do you tell a friend going through a divorce?

Casual Friends There's no need to offer details. Just be up front and say something simple like: I just wanted to let you know that _____ and I are getting a divorce. I hope you'll respect our privacy and feel free to remain friends with both of us.

What do you say when someone asks about divorce?

“I'm so sorry to hear about your divorce. I hope you and your children are okay.” “If you know them well, offering your sympathies is not bad ex-etiquette. 'I'm very sorry about your divorce.