What were the reasons for Matilda unhappiness?

What were the reasons for Matilda unhappiness?

The major reason for Matilda’s unhappiness was her dissatisfaction and discontentment about her way of living. She had great materialistic apprehensions due to which she always used to complain for her lifestyle. She was never happy with what she had and did not accept her circumstances.

How did Mme Loisel’s all sacrifices been in vain?

Explanation: Mme Loisel’s sacrifices all wet in vain because the sacrifices were not worthy of the necklace which she had lost. It was after ten years that she came to know that the necklace for which she had sacrificed everything was an imitation and not a real one.

How did Matilda bring misery on herself and her husband?

Her obsession and love for trinkets brought her sorrow which she could have avoided. The fate or Providence taught her a lesson for her flaw. Her husband received invitation to the ball; she became abnormally excited about it. She went beyond her means to make arrangements for herself for the ball.

How did a false necklace bring unnecessary struggles and sufferings to Loisels could a better understanding have avoided them give a reasoned answer?

For ten long years, Matilda had to work like an ordinary maid doing all her household work herself Mr Loisel had to do extra works in the evenings and nights to save money. Of course, the Loisels could have averted such an unfortunate situation. Madam Forestier was an obliging, helpful and forgiving lady.

How did Matilda and her husband struggle and suffer to pay off all their debts?

Matilda and her husband suffered to pay off the debts which they took on their heads for a false necklace. In the end, Madam Forestier told Matilda that the necklace which she lent to her and for whose replacement they had to suffer so much, was really a false one.

What changes occurred in Matilda’s lifestyle after she had lost the necklace 100 150 words?

Mathilde’s life took a change for the worst after the loss of the necklace. Namely, because instead of swallowing her pride, owning to this fact and confess to her friend, she decides to take matters into her own hands.