Whats the opposite of undermine?

Whats the opposite of undermine?

Verb. ▲ Opposite of lessen the effectiveness, power, or ability of, especially gradually or insidiously. strengthen. fortify.

What is the opposite of undermined?

Opposite of the act or process by which something is undermined. buildup. strengthening. building. accretion.

Is undermined a word?

verb (used with object), un·der·mined, un·der·min·ing. to injure or destroy by insidious activity or imperceptible stages, sometimes tending toward a sudden dramatic effect.

What is undermine in law?

to make something or someone become or appear less effective, strong, important, confident or successful etc. “Virginia’s new law prohibiting texting while driving may help to prevent car accidents, but it has some significant limitations that may ultimately undermine the effectiveness of the law.”

What is the meaning of subvert?

transitive verb. 1 : to overturn or overthrow from the foundation : ruin. 2 : to pervert or corrupt by an undermining of morals, allegiance, or faith. Other Words from subvert Synonyms & Antonyms Example Sentences Learn More about subvert.

What is a subversive person?

countable noun. Subversives are people who attempt to weaken or destroy a political system or government. Agents regularly rounded up suspected subversives. Synonyms: dissident, terrorist, saboteur, insurrectionary More Synonyms of subversive.

What is another word for subvert?

SYNONYMS FOR subvert 1 upset, disrupt, undermine, overturn, sabotage.

What conform means?

transitive verb. : to give the same shape, outline, or contour to : bring into harmony or accord conform furrows to the slope of the land. intransitive verb. 1 : to be similar or identical also : to be in agreement or harmony —used with to or with changes that conform with our plans.

What is another word for conform?

Some common synonyms of conform are accommodate, adapt, adjust, and reconcile.

Is conformity good or bad?

Conformity creates a change in behavior so that the people in the group behave in the same way. And as much this is a good thing, it’s also bad. There are so many people in this world that do not feel like others, yet they are, in a way, obliged to follow society’s norms.

What is a synonym for not conform?

What is another word for not conform?

differ vary
diversify come into conflict
disaccord separate
divide be unequal to
depart from not balance with

What does not conform mean?

: not in accordance or agreement with prevailing norms, standards, or customs : not conforming a nonconforming loan …

What is the opposite of conform?

Antonyms: depart, vary, diverge, deviate. Synonyms: adjust, adapt. adjust, conform, adapt(verb)

What is another word for rebellious?

1 defiant, insurgent, mutinous, seditious, rebel, refractory, disobedient, contumacious.

How do you describe a rebellious person?

A rebellious person likes to challenge authority and break the rules every now and then. A really rebellious group tries to overthrow the government. An employee who ignores a dress code is being rebellious. Anywhere there’s an authority, someone is probably acting rebellious toward it.

What is the difference between rebellion and disobedience?

As nouns the difference between rebellion and disobedience is that rebellion is (uncountable) armed resistance to an established government or ruler while disobedience is refusal to obey.

What is the definition of rebellious?

1 : taking part in rebellion rebellious troops. 2 : fighting against or refusing to obey authority a rebellious teenager. Other Words from rebellious.

What causes a person to be rebellious?

Many, if not all, rebels are psychologically driven by a false sense of superiority and wounded sense of powerlessness stemming from early childhood experiences. Their rebelliousness can be seen as a compensatory mechanism. If you understand this, it can help you feel compassion for the rebel.

What do you call someone who protests?

A person who participates in a protest can be called a protester or a protestor. Sometimes, protest might refer to an official complaint or objection, as in They lodged an official protest.

What does outwardly mean mean?

1a : on the outside : externally. b : toward the outside. 2 : in outward state, behavior, or appearance was outwardly friendly.

What does apparently mean?

: it seems apparent —used to describe something that appears to be true based on what is known an apparently happy marriageThe window had apparently been forced open.

What does avowedly mean?

with open acknowledgment

What is otherworldliness?

1. Of, relating to, or characteristic of another world, especially a mystical or transcendental world: “The effect was dreamy, otherworldy” (Gioia Diliberto). 2. Devoted to the world of the mind; concerned with intellectual or imaginative things.

What does preternatural mean?

preternatural \pree-ter-NATCH-uh-rul\ adjective. 1 : existing outside of nature. 2 : exceeding what is natural or regular : extraordinary. 3 : inexplicable by ordinary means; especially : psychic.

Is Otherly a word?

adjective Pertaining to something or someone else; different . adjective Pertaining or directed toward others; otherish . adverb nonstandard Otherwise ; differently .

What does supernal mean in the Bible?

Definitions of supernal. adjective. of heaven or the spirit. synonyms: celestial, ethereal heavenly. of or belonging to heaven or god.